DLC IDEA: chi-tect post war weapons smiths.

Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:18 am

ok here is a concept for DLC, this would be like the gun runners but more advanced, adding in new weapons, new mods, and re adding ammo mods.

Chi-tect would be an ex-chinese military group (ghouls and a few dissidents) who are selling weapons for food and supplies to help them build a ship so they can try and make it back to china, in the 200 so years sense the war they have almost finished their marvel a re purposed US battleship that was in harbor near Boston when the bombs dropped. The thing is they need some help as their ship was sadly over run by mire lurks shortly after finishing the engine room.

This DLC would have a few minor quests to help them each quest done adds more weapons and ammos to the world as well as gives you unique mods to play with.

DLC adds at base


PAW-25 grenade launcher (Based on real world PAW-20 GL)

looks http://files.harrispublications.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2015/02/launchers-swmpap-paw-20-682x382.1422561571.jpg

lore: the paw-25, was in 2076 by Chinese infiltrators after hearing about the USA power armor program. Fortunantly no prototypes ever made it back to the main land and it never saw action in the war. That said in post war it is a popular weapon with groups like the gunners do to its unqiue ability to puncture power armor harming the user with out destroying the armor or its core.

ammo: 20mm

damage: 80

mag size: 6 rounds

range: 200

weight: 10 Lb

special: power armor users killed will stay standing and be ejected from the armor does minimal damage to the armor allowing for the frame to be retrieved after combat.


receiver: hardened, advanced, incendiary, .50 (ups ammo to 20 mag, cuts damage down to 40)

mag: 6 drum(Base), small box (3 rounds faster reload) large box (7 rounds faster reload, slight accuracy reduction)

the Chinese assualt rifle

info: the chinese assault rifle the most vercitile and long lasting weapon out there. this weapon upon DLC activation can be found on gunners, raiders and even dimond city gaurds (though rare) the gunners will use all mods of it having three main types (detailed bellow)

ammo: 5.56

mag size: 25

damage: 35

range: 190


receiver: automatic receiver (basic), burst receiver (3 round burst, better accuracy), semi automatic receiver (single fire, supperior accurate, more damge.), hardned and advanced of the three, .308 receiver (-10% ammo, +15 damage) .308 automatic receiver (-10% ammo, basically an hardened receiver you can craft before the hardened receiver)

mag: banana (Base), stub(10 round) light drum (60 rounds) large banana (60 rounds), large drum (100 rounds) quick load banana (25 rounds fast reload), etc.

sights: ALL rifle sights

barrel: short barrel (default), long barrel, long railed barrel(adds rail mods), medium barrel, medium light barrel, medium railed barrel(adds rail mods), sort heavy barrel (lower recoil), short heavy barrel.

stock: wooden stock (default), polymer stock (default 50%), marksmans wood, marks-mans polymer, wooden folding stock (higher accuracy while aimed, increased fire rate while hip, slower to swap between), gunner stock (designed for rapid fire recoils with gun)

muzzle: flash suppressor, suppressor, compensator, bayonet.

rail(under barrel mods)

flash light: adds a white low grade flash light, can be upgraded (another mod slot)

grenade launchers (gp[20mm], m203[40mm], key[shotgun shells]) replaces grenade throw with a swap to the sub weapon can be fired and loaded by its self. each has different ammo (gp[2], m203[1], key[4])

shield: adds a small shield to the weapon, the shield is like power armor... armor in that it has 200 HP that it can deflect before needing repaired, good for long fire fights the down side it is blocks none sighted view.

bipod: removes recoil when firing over cover.

types found on the field (not counting random mods)

standard: base stock, automatic reciver, short barrel, glow sights

[gunner] RPK: long railed barrel, bipod, short scope, gunner stock, flash suppressor, automatic receiver, large drum mag.

[gunner] sniper: long barrel, suppressor, medium scope, marksmans polymer, standard reciver

[chinese gaurds] grenadier: hardened automatic receiver, standard banana, medium railed barrel, polymer or wooden stock, reflex sights (circle), bayonet; under barrel grenade launcher [gp].

20mm sniper

info: china's main sniper rifle before and during the war, it and its big brother the 40mm where a threat to many American soldiers during the alaska campaign and the invasion of china. now you can get one for yourself (made up on the spot bored)

looks: http://www.anzioironworks.com/images/20mmwith50a-1.jpg

mag: 3 box

range: 400

damage: 100 (none perk)

weight: 30 Lb

note: 20mm is explosive and can puncture power armor see the GL above.


barrel: long barrel (Base), recoiling barrel, (less recoil more accurate), suppressed barrel (suppresses weapon)

receiver: 20mm, 40mm, hardened 20mm, advanced 20mm. (40mm only on unique one, but can be removed)

stock: polymer white, polymer green, polymer black (no difference) advanced (better recoil and range)

mag: small box (3 rounds), drum (6 rounds) large box(7 rounds), large drum (8 rounds)

unqiue variant

power stopper

info: owned by the leader of the Chinese merchants, this sniper is called power stopper do to the fact its owner single handedly took out a gunner assault with it, the power stopper has a 40mm receiver, recoiling barrel, and large drum mag, as well as a unique swamp camo paint job and long recon scope.

Grenade rifle

info: while not unique tp the chi-tect productions, the grenade rifle produced by them is highly modible, starting out as a single barreled 40mm launcher which more then tripples the range of a thrown grenade if used right, the weapon is capible of firing the most complex range of ammos in the game.

looks: m79, upgrade looks like china lake


receiver: hardened 40mm, advanced 40mm, 20mm light (lowers weight and damage)

body: short (standard pistol like hold), rifle (rifle stock) china town (china lake 3 round tube 4 round total).

barrel: short, medium, long, dragon (unique variant)

sights: none, line (like missile launche but more lines) smart (shows trajectory if do not have perk), medium scope (shows range and lines as well as a medium zoom)

unqiue varrient

the dragon

info: found in the ship on a dead ghoul this grenade launcher was used to help cleat the mirelurks out of it battle ship, though its user has long sense died the weapon was left with them to be forgotten, the dragon has a unique barrel mod that causes it to spit fire at 20 range towards anything in front of it. (Basically blast ports of sorts) but it has a lower range on the projectiles as a result.

Chinese pistol and German pistol

info: these two are lumped together as the last two weapons for the DLC idea, the chinese pistol being a 10 round 10mm pistol with a unique loading system and the german one being a 10 round 10mm pistol which is basically the Luger pistol. both of these are almost as modifiable as the standard 10mm they just have deferment stats, the chinese one for example can not have mag mods and does lower damage, but to compensate it reloads faster and has a faster fire rate. while the german one can not take barrel mods and fires slower, so to compensate it does more damage and is more accurate. not putting stats for many reasons.

German pistol note: it is being produced by teh chi-tect tribe as they have found some relics in the area and are copying them (basically found some ones ww2 collection)


This is the bulk of the mod, these work like arrows in skyrim you sellect which type you want from the ammo screen and can fave tips to load into guns. (note will not load in types that don't match) note swapping ammos reloads the gun.

base ammo types

for: 10mm, .45, 5.56, .44, .50, .308

duplex: fires two rounds instead of one

AP: ignores 50% DR

subsonic: when combined with suppessor direction is not noticed.

incendiary: +10 fire damage, +10% chance to light targets on fire

explosive: +Explosive damage, +small blast range

hollow point: triple damage to lightly armored targets (anything not in power armor)

delayed explosive: explodes inside target 5% chance to instant kill target (only ammo type that has to be bought and can not be crafted)

plasma tipped: fires a green tracer that deal energy damage and can gooify the enemy.

rat shot: lowers range to 60 adds 6 pellets to the shot (most common in .44 and 10mm)

shotgun ammos

dragonsbreath: replaces pellets with a 40 range burst of high damage fire (even more then a naplamer flamethrower)

explosive slug: fires a single slug with max range of 180 explodes on impact

slug: ups max range to 180, damge doesn't change and is consintrated into one shot

bolo round: vats shots aimed a weapons will disarm, hits to head my decapitate

rifled slug: same as slug ups range to 200

plasma shell: shoots out a plasma projectiles (6 small projectiles glow green)

pepper ball: projectiles do low damage and have a 90% chance to stagger almost any none robot enemy. enemys hit enough will surrender like intimidate level 1. (animals will frenzy instead of the intimidated)

beanbag: slug version of pepper ball.

laser ammo

cryo cells: lower max ammo when used does cryo damage

low wave cells: beam is a barely visible line, cuts damage by 50% and suppresses the weapon.

overcharged: beam is made really bright, quadruples damage (takes 8 cells to make one)

plasma core: turns beam to a green color, adds radiation and plasma damage.

plasma ammo

irradiated: adds radiation damage

kelvin burn: 90% chance to light target on fire

hardened: causes bleed damage


incendiary war heads: lower damage, higher blast range, lights targets on fire.

high explosive: higher damage and blast range

shrapnel explosive: higher blast range deals more damage to organic targets

EMP explosive: lower blast range, disables power armor and mechanical units (has a 1% chance of starting the self destruct action on bots and power armor)

20mm and 40mm (added by mod)

high explosive: more damage

incendiary: basicly high range molotov, also has a higher blast range and chance to light targets on fire.

plasma: green explosive does more damage but has a lower blast range

proximity: like throwing a mine, explodes if enemies get to close as such can also air burst will not detonate on friendly targets.

EMP: slight chance to disable power armor and robots

tesla rounds: fires off a round that when it hits will hit anything in range with a bolt of energy.

dirty rounds: added radiation damage, but lower total damage and blast range (common, will generally find more of these then standard rounds)

slug: basically a big bullet does a lot of damage though if hits.

targeting: advanced rounds which will move towards targets, best used at long range as they only have slight changes and are not that good at close range.

and that is all for the ammo mods, though there would be more, the idea is this DLC concept would add them all over the waste land meaning that everything from raiders to supermutants might become a lot more dangerous.

the last part of this ideas none quest additions is weapon mods for that I have the following many of which may be from other topics of mine.


double barrel shotgun

20mm receiver (Receiver mod): replaces the shells with two 20mm rounds, making the weapon more a rifle then a shotgun.

Tesla barrel(barrel): duct tape some cirutry, a knife and a few nine volts, stuns enemys hit wiht melee attacks.

10mm pistol

SMG BODY (grip mod): replaces the grip with a forward receiver and SMG mag, adds 2 new mag mods (banan and drum[30 round and 60 round]) to the weapon, also allows for some stocks to be placed on the weapon (flip stock, recoiling stock, and a standard stock) (mp5k base for design)

telsa suppressor(muzzle): adds energy damage to rounds. (is basicly a suppressor with several batteries welded to it)

underwater receiver (receiver): allows the weapon to be fired from underwater.

,44 revolver

that body(grip and receiver replaces both upon placing in one) turns the revolver into the .223 pistol from fallout past.


poor mans fragger: replaces the mininuke with a sling, can load any none molotov grenade into the launcher fires 6 at once.

the ram: turns the fatman into a hydrolic ram which can stagger any thing smaller then a deathclaw. also can bust open none masterlock doors.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:31 pm

so military trained commandos who infilrated the US and have the industry to build weapons...have to sell the weapons to fix the ship rather than use the industry to fix it straight up and then need help from a random wastelander to clear it of lurks? Rather questionable, but I guess some would say it fits Beths writing...

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:00 pm

yeah was having a problem thinking of a valid reason they would remain in the states. the only other on is big ass see monster blocks their path so they have no choice at the time.

I could probibly make that work by exploiting the military background of the male main character to point out some big gun some where that can kill it or something.

EDIT: also the industry would be more trade guns for food and metal to make guns/fix ship.

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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:05 am

like the ideas...

the story...eh...it could work I suppose...

(the Chinese assault rifle should be 5.56 ammo, and if it's intended to be unique or 'better' I think the base DAM should be 35)<

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:49 pm

will change the damage, the ammo is .308 cause google said it was the closest the the heavier calliber the ak has used.

Also I should mention the bayonet idea for the chinese AR is a pike bayonet so it can be used with under barrel things.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:03 am

There is a sea monster...

There is a Chinese submarine stranded in the docks

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Tyler F
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 11:32 am

not that sea monster. as that would likely be the key to helping them on that story idea.

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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:10 am

7.62x39mm and 7.62x51mm (308) are hugely different rounds

same as 22 and 223 are absolute night and day from each other yet the 223 is just .001 of an inch different in diameter but the projectile length, case length, muzzle velocity, powder charge are vastly different

556 would be a much more closer round to the 7.62x39 than the 308 round in terms of power & performance

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:23 am

ok, that is a good reasoning to change, will add the .308 as a receiver mod that increase damage though.

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Emily Martell
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:32 am

yep good idea

also AKs exsist in 556 form

the chinese type 84s is 556

the ak74 & its variants are russias 556ish version which although is not 556 is 5.45x39

i have an ak in 308win its a zastava m2010, but its much more a battle rifle or mid range sniper than assault rifle in that set up

the 20mm to 40mm anti tank rifle is a bit hardcoe, those rounds are ridicolous. the 20mm is insane as it is but a 40mm round is almost as long as your arm!

some rifles were designed to take a 20mm round for an anti tank role but personally id prob go with 50cal BMG and if you want an upgrade then maybe have the 20mm but the 14.5mmx114 would prob be better (if you wanted to make 2x extra additional ammo types to fallout then maybe 14.5mm upgrade to 20mm)

but 40mm is just to insane as its more a shell (mostly naval anti aircraft i think?) than a rifle round

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Dylan Markese
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:35 pm

the 40mm is a 40mm grenade not a 40mm bullet, a 40mm bullet would be insane.


the 20mm round: http://sadefensejournal.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/neopup3.jpg

the 40mm round http://olive-drab.com/images/ammo_40mm_01_800.jpg

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:54 pm

you have listed it as a 20mm sniper upgradable to 40mm receiver?

is it supposed to be a grernade launcher instead? as yes that would be pretty standard

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:40 am

the upgrade is more a unique weapon thing not really something to think to hard about. as I know a 40mm sniper is near impossible in real life.

the idea is the 20mm rounds would be grenade rounds like the ones for the paw-20 in real life, the sniper would in "lore" be where the rounds where first used. the 40mm rounds are basic 40mm grenades, the receiver mod is a unique mod that comes with a unique weapon that basically is a bigger barreled one of the sniper rifles.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:54 am

cool but the paw-20 is a grenade launcher and despite the 20mm grenades impressive range and flat trajectory its a suppressive weapon not a sniper, mostly why the paw-20 has been tested predominately with a red dot sight, and due to collateral damage (well being a grenade) its pretty unacceptable for a sniper rifle.

should be a grenade launcher

are we talking about the same thing as you have both a paw-25(based on paw-20) and a 20mm sniper listed?

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:45 am

yes using the same ammo for them for convenience this is not a RL thing this is more of ingame balance then RL balance. the reason the 20mm in game for this suggestion uses the grenade ammo is purely for game reasons aka adding weapons that each use a unique ammo is a bad idea.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:41 am

If you know of it, why wouldn't they just hop on board and patch it up and go?

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 8:06 am

it is an out there thing, and I highly doubt anyone really knows of it in universe, aka information about it would be key.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:51 am

guessing other then the story being bad this idea doesn't have much to talk about?

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:09 pm


ok going to try and improve the story here.

Chi-tect are a mobile group of ex-chinese military, descends of them and survivors of the blasts. They have been moving up and down the coast with a chinese aircraft carrier selling weapons for food and materials. As of late though the nuclear engine their boat uses has become unstable, causing them to lose mobility and start to drift, though they can still control the craft some they are limited to coastal movement and can not return to china.

interaction: upon DLC activation at level 10 3 scout planes will fly by as a random event, one of which is shot down by raiders starting a quest called china boat. at this point chi-tect weapons will also start appearing in the wastes (though the pistols in origin post do appear in locked safes before this.) The player can head to the downed craft (just east of sanctuary near the junk yard, to find the pilot a ghoul still alive and fighting off a few low level raiders, the player can either help them or leave them to die either way the raiders are hostile to the player as well. upon looting the body or talking to teh ghoul he will tell you that he is a scout for a merchant group called chi-tect and that he was told to find a location to safely land their copters for supply, if he is dead you can find a marker flare and a note saying this. if alive he can become a companion after finding a place to land the craft, there are 3 places that he will mark that his recon said might work, 2 of them will work while the third is trashed, you must take him to all 3. (paper marks all three). upon completeling the quest heading to one will show a copter of sorts (seems to be a salvaged vertibird with junker tech) with make shift merchant stalls, from here you can pay 1,000 caps for a ride to the carrier which is basicly a large dungeon, as only the first of 8 floors is safe.

the carrier: teh carrier has only 3 safe decks out of 8 and it is huge like 8 times the one in fallout 3 huge. the hole thing is a trap covered feral ghoul and abomination infested dungeon bellow the top decks.

carrier deck: the top most deck contains 8 working planes one of which has quests to get repair parts for (doing so gives a bombing run marker which acts similar to the bombing run in NV final) this deck also contains the most shops and armed gaurds on the ship, next to b3.

B1- the town deck, this hole thing is 3x the size of diamond city and has 4 distinct districts

district 1: ghoul town, this has most the ghouls in it, they are seperated do to a fear of them going feral though many of the pre war ones think this is BS, in this district you will find a ghoul that will recognize the male main character or insult the female one. other hten that not much to say (for hte male one the ghoul will insult them for being the person to wound them in battle)

district 2: the warriors district, this is the most high class district on the ship in it is the gaurds and soldiers of the ship, as they defend and barter for supplies they tend to live at a higher class then the rest of the ship

district 3: the native district, this is the med class of the ship containing anyone born on the ship no mater which district they came form, this is where the food markets are and even a farm using a hole cut in the roof (Can be seeing form upper deck was an elevator before that fell)

district 4: the import district, the low class and rear most of the ship, here is anyone who came from off ship the player can buy a house here and people here range from ex raiders, to DC refugees to even a Nevada native. this is the most diverse part of the ship and well teh most down trodden with most of it in dis repair as few on this section know how to patch the ship, people form district 3 are also in this part constantly repairing the ship from damages done. there are also some unique beings on this section including a few super mutants and nightkin. as well as a cazador in a cage .

B2: the manufacturing deck and the last safe one, here there is several bits of machinery built into the ship post war venting their waste of to the side, in this section the player can supply things from iron to alluminum to the ship in exchange for caps and rarely discounts form the stores (give 10 fusion cores to the head and get a 5% discount for one in game month[variable best done at beginning of month])

B3: the war zone, this is the first deck inwhich you see how far the ship has fallen sense the war, as the lower decks where where the crew originally held out, a mirelurk infestation and heavy ghoul infestation do to radiaiton has caused everywhere bellow here to be hostile, this is the deck where you get the main quest line to this DLC salvage hope, in which you are assigned to a group to help clear out b3, each deck including this one has 8 sections none of which can be fast traveled to untill the elevator in said section is clear, the only one that is safe is the stairs section.

clearing the floors, to clear the floors the team must remove traps and clear enemies in each section, each section cleared will be ocupied by soldiers and salvage teams, upon clearing b3 it will become a forward salvage base and a player settlement. any un tasked settlers will be part of the salvage teams for lower levels so arm them well.

when clearing areas you are given a team that includes 2 followers and 2 techs the followers will act as any other follower but have unique AI's and will tell you to leave your buddies behind as it is best to have knowledge of the ship over the gun. that said you can ditch one for one of your followers. though clearning all floors with these two unique AI's will have a perk called squad leader which allows you to have 2 active followers.

follower one

name: ???

weapon: chinese assualt rifle, under barrel grenade launcher

special: trap spotter and disarm

info: a variable follower this will either be the pilot you saved or a random named Chinese ghoul if you failed to save him. (perminate follower)

trap spotting: when not in combat will disarm any traps in visible range, in combat uses mines to lay ambushes for enemies. (unique mine chinese spider mind will give one per day to the player)

follower two

name: recon squad, Chinese name

weapon: flamer

special: lock pick

info: just a random Chinese soldier, is not named but can unlock all but master locks and starts with a lock pick set that acts as 50 bobby pins.(in strengh) you can buy the set from a merchant after completing deck 5.

tech one and two

after clearing an area these two will come in and disarm any missed traps and open any locks be warned they take 50% of loot which can be bought from a salvage dealer at b3. they will also uncover hidden paths and open blocked rooms that you couldn't access before. and in some cases you must let them work before proceeding they take 2 ingame days to clear a section.


each floor completed has a reward

b3: a free chinese assault rifle with the under barrel grenade launcher mod.

b4: 4,000 caps

b5: Chinese lockpick tools and hacking tools (hacking tools are a holotape that when put in a computer will add 3 retries. one use per console)

b6: the grenade launcher in origin post idea

b7: 20 mininukes and 20 fusion cores

b8: the unique sniper in origin post (last deck

what happens to each deck

b3: settlement deck, basicly becomse a small down player controlled no attacks if b4 is cleared.

b4: manufacturing deck, more weapons are unlocked in merchants the 20mm weapons start appearing in the wastes.(manufacturing deck had the ships armory)

b5: medical deck, the medical stations where on this deck as well as several Chinese operations systems, allows calling for reinforcments from the ship via pip boy.

b6: engine deck one

b7: engine deck two: taking both gives the ship back its mobility, though they do not have the fuel to leave and will remain to trade so they can one day return home.

b8: the cargo hold: the mirelurks are here as well as two queens, strangely one can't be killed as it is trapped in a colapsed area, this ends up being a farm deck where they start farming the lurks for food, and start training them as gaurd dogs for the ship (training part starts 3 months after clearing cna buy them for settlements having 2 provides food and security if you have a nest set up for them (Requires water though))

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