DLC Idea....Sole Survivor's spouse....

Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:52 am

It just occurred to me that there is a way the sole survior's spouse may yet be alive.....if you notice her/his pod still has lights inside and can still be opened unlike all the others and when reading the status on the state of all the pods her/his says "unknown" while all the others say "deceased". To add to that if the shot wasn't fatal the cryo process would prevent bleeding out and as we saw in new vegas with the courier surviving a shot in the head things are not always what they seem. Granted it sounds a bit like conspiracy and a bit like a long shot but after the way things ended with Shaun I want nothing more than my wife back. The romance options are nice and all but my survivor never took his ring off and never let go of the wife's ring for even a moment.

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Benito Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:21 am

Yeah, it would have been awesome to have her survive somehow or maybe the Institute revive her if you left her pod closed.

But, no, I doubt it.

I want to see more of the Spouse in the Memory Pods in DLC, though.

I would love to see you interact in, say, Canada for example.

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Kat Stewart
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:44 am

It is possible to do a DLC.....you hear a rumor of someone else emerging from Vault 111 and go to see the wife's pod is empty. I would love that.

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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 7:34 am

I would also like to see the spouse revived. I spent a lot of time customizing both characters. The cryo pod should keep them alive. A person is effectively dead in cryogenic suspension. it is also a cool scifi concept to explore. We know that Kellogg had cybernetic enhancements to it should be possible to repair damage to the brain to a functioning state if not major recovery of memory and personality.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:52 am

I don't think she was shot in the head though.....it looked like a shot in the upper chest but the game doesn't actually show the gunshot wound on her.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:26 am

That's gonna be an awkward conversation.

"Hey honey... I.. uh.. well, I killed our son, well I didn't kill him but he died in the explosion, well he was going to die anyway. Don't worry though, he lived for sixty years. Oh.. this? This is Danse, were sort of.. I mean were.."

"I thought you were dead okay?"

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:19 pm

My character would dump Piper, Cait, and Curie in a heartbeat for Nora to come back. He left her ring on her hand for a reason.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:30 am

Would be very sweet if it would happen. I'm betting everything against it though ha ha.

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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:56 am

I've seen the tutorial enough times to know that Nora/Nate is a goner. They seem to be shot in the upper chest area/around the heart and it took a few seconds for the pod to reinitiate it's functions and likely were dead even before Kellogg stalked up to us and said, “At least we have the backup.” Remember, you can re-open the pod to make the vow to them and take their wedding ring; if they were alive, they would've been moving. Why is there no blood on them? Perhaps the devs didn't think it necessary.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:48 am

Too cold for blood to seep out of the wounds Im guessing.

But either way, refreezing him with an open wound into the heart would definitely kill him, haha.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:37 pm

nah, spouse miraculously being revived just feels cheap and nasty.

I definitely think the Memory Pods could give us more pre-war life, both civilian and military. They are too juicy a plot device not to use
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Rik Douglas
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:25 am

Yes but that was such a heart rending choice that I would want to discuss it with my wife for better or for worse.....it was not a decision I made lightly. Destroying our son's life's work and seeing him so disappointed on his death bed was a difficult thing to do and bear no matter how brainwashed or evil or whatever else he may have been. If Nora sees fit to condemn me for it the I will accept it with a much lighter heart than bearing her death too.

I couldn't agree more.....nobody can fill the void left by Nora's death.

It's not exactly clear where the bullet hit much less whether it hit or missed the heart.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:19 am

The spouses death is a powerful moment and a motivator to why the Sole Survivor is doing what he's doing, on top of the hunt for Shaun. I wouldn't want to cheapen what that means to my character.

Though a scenario where the spouse is found as a Synth would introduce an interesting conflict, but not enough to work around a DLC unless it was in one as a side quest somewhere.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:54 am

It wouldn't cheapen anything.....why would it? Would you have done things any different if Nora was immediately revealed to have survived? Would her life mean any less if she got to keep it? And no....a synth wife would not do much. A synth is a synth......an infiltration unit designed to trick and deceive....a weapon of psychological warfare of the worst kind. Leaving Synth Shaun behind added a bit to the pain but not much....I lost my son 60 years before that day not then and not that day....living a pretense fantasy with a replacement would never do.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:08 am

It really depends on the person and their view of Synths. Some of us, especially those who seriously join the Railroad, do see them as people. So a Synth Nora suddenly appearing would make my character have all sorts of conflicted feels.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:58 pm

Their innocence is arguable and largely unknown....they do have emotions but they are dangerous even if they are oblivious to their actions and regardless of their intentions. They are automatically programmed to erase memories of certain actions and events to be useless under interrogation if captured. They can be triggered to do horrific things at a moment's notice. You can feel for them or sympathize with them if you like but it is a dangerous game to trust them and welcome them among actual innocent human beings.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:59 am

Dude you're not gonna convince me of anything when it's my character with a chosen worldview and ideal that chooses to see them as people.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:28 am

I speak of lore facts....you can choose to feel however you like about them. I just don't think you've properly weighed the risks and who you are risking.

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Bedford White
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:42 pm

Sometimes...Well, we put value where we choose to.

Some choose genocide. Some choose liberty. Some choose protection and peace at all costs.

So...bluntly saying...Lore can kiss my [censored].

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:12 am

I don't think lore has too. As far as synthetics posing an absolute threat to humanity... how? The PC is not a Demi-God this time, maybe a bad ass, but I've mowed down more synths and coursers than I can count. And I'm one guy. How do a handful of synths pose an existential threat? Especially since I've turned the organization that was using them for that purpose into a smoldering crater. As it stands, synths pose no more threat than a human being.
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:21 pm

It's not about a face to face straight fight it's about the security of established places like Diamond City. And fighting skills don't count against those you trust.....they could be activated to put a bullet in the back of your head while you sleep or exploit other vulnerabilities. Super Mutants are already within 20 feet of the Diamond City wall and killing the guards and the freaking mayor is an infiltration unit. I'm am sort of amazed at the silliness of your argument and how you can be so blind to all that can be done by someone with access.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:16 am

I suppose I would submit you are the blind one if you cannot see how anyone could perform those actions. Remember that you are playing a game where you are alive because you placed your trust in a company that decided to use you as a popsicle experiment. Tack onto that the fact that there are any number of random locations showcasing how a few psychopaths can cause a gross amount of misery and death by virtue of their placement (Hallucigen comes to mind). Really, I think your fear of a synth takeover/massacre is predicated upon fear and naivete. Certainly synths could cause untold amounts of harm if they infiltrated mankind for the singular purpose of overthrowing some structure, but:

1. That purpose is pretty much nullified with the destruction of the Institute. The Institute created gen 3's for the purpose of infiltration and without them to pull the strings, synths have absolute freedom in how they choose to act, with all the risks and dangers that entails.

2. Diamond City is an anomaly in the Commonwealth, and even being a structured settlement, the power structure rests upon several individuals. In other words, you'd have to kill a lot of people before you'd destabalize anything and that would ONLY be diamond city. There are plenty of other self sufficient settlements. That's not to say that we should take risks because we can, but there is a level where you stop being reasonable and start being paranoid. You have to ask yourself what synths would stand to gain by killing humans now that they are no longer under direct control by the Institute.

3. You have direct multiple examples of synths who demonstrate they are under their own willpower and not beholden to some higher directive. Paladin Danse is the perfect example. A man so beholden to the virtues of the Brotherhood, yet when he finds out he is a synth, he STILL holds to those principles. Valentine likewise is very self aware about his status as a synth, how that makes people nervous, and how he is grateful for the chance he had to prove himself to the people of Diamond City.

So basically, the question becomes rather simple. Are you willing to condemn a group of people to death because some of them might be psychopaths? I leave you to decide.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:37 pm

Under their own free will you say.....jump to 1:40:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGJ8lqhC9QE

Synths are robots no matter how human like they may look and a lot of their protocols are also activated automatically based on specific circumstances....there is no telling what they may be programmed to do and they sure as hell aren't programmed to be capable of telling.

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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:54 pm

They do have free will. The fact they can be shut down and have their memory wiped with a specific code doesn't negate that. It makes them susceptible and they pose a unique risk all their own, certainly, but it doesn't detract from their humanity. It is somewhat comparable to social programming in a way.

I will say this: I'm not as much of a bleeding heart as some of those in the Railroad. I have reservations about synths as part of humanity, but when faced between the choice of saving them all or destroying them all, I find I cannot justify the genocidal approach when I had Valentine help me more so than anyone else. And I have formed relationships with many synths who I wouldn't know were synths unless they told me. I believe life is worth living for the exceptions; I'm not going to condemn a group to death when I know at least a few personally that are good. That would be a very fearful and cowardly act. My PC keeps his eyes open, he's not blindly following anyone, but when it came time to ally myself with a group, I found the Railroad was at least a group I could consent to follow. The Brotherhood also had my allegiance to a point, but they drew the hard line instead of being reasonable (when they had a perfect example of why they shouldn't be so hard line amongst their rank) and so we had to part ways.

With the Institute gone, with the recall codes lost, and properly vetted, synths pose no more of a threat than any other human being. They are different yeah, but they are human. In that clip you had me watch, every one of those synths was begging for their life and freedom before the plug was pulled. How does that kind of tangible fear and self awareness not make them human?

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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:50 am

They can be made to do a lot more than shut down and erase memories......the look human like but all they do is dictated by code....faulty code in some cases. And they are very dangerous.

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