Lake Placid - tie in the 1980s US Olympic hockey team beating the Russians. Got to have hockey in a Boston game.
Lake Placid - tie in the 1980s US Olympic hockey team beating the Russians. Got to have hockey in a Boston game.
How about some DLC dealing with sailing up and down the eastern coast?
Could add mutant great white sharks and Krakens!
Maybe an undersea city?
New York, especially New York City, is the kind of place that could be the setting for an entire game of it's own. I don't think I would want to see it wasted on a DLC.
Maybe this time it will be... the Salem Witcher Trials.
YES! Throw Canada a bone! Show us Ronto, with the descendants of the Canadian Resistance having seized power armour and military grade weapons!
THIS! Give us Salem and some weird pseudo-witchery. Hell, bring back Psykers as a plot element for it, and let us choose between a few different groups of anti or pro psychic people.
No need to test for psychic powers or look for the Devil's mark on this one, General, that one-headed brahmin is a dead giveaway.
Nah, New York deserves it's own game some day. A DLC couldn't do it justice.
I wouldn't mind a DLC that simply expanded the map, creating new places for settlements and perhaps even a system for settlement vs settlement conflict.
Martha's Vineyard might be a cool site for a DLC.
EDIT: Yeah, Salem would be cool, too.
New York (I disagree about it needing its own full game.) The area is heavily crowded with buildings, I can't see the draw of just going from one building to the next for a full game.
China - Unlikely to happen though, I doubt the current government would allow the game to sell in China if they did (Though if they set it in taiwan, and are careful, they might get the red carpet thrown out for them next time in China)
A small dlc in any of those areas could be interesting. None of them are likely targets for full game either.
A Point Lookout style Martha's Vineyard. It would be great seeing all the vacationers and their belongings from 200 years ago.
Raiders of New York
-Venture into the ruins of the Big Apple, where the streets have been claimed by five tribes of raiders vying for control of Time Square.
Like antique firearms with your power armour? How's about the Springfield Armory?
Paris, London? They would deserve a own spinoff too (Fallout: London for exemple and not Fallout 5/6/...) ... Paris and London are large cities with many many landmarks. I don't want a DLC about a large famous city. This would mean we couldn't see the whole part of this places.
And really? New York is more than simply building
I have to agree with what others have said, New York should definitely have it's own game. After all, I bet it would have been a major target of bombing during the Great War so who knows what sort of things might have happened over there? My fear though is that it would bring a return of subway tunnel traveling in order to get around, like in the DC Ruins. Always rather disliked that part of the game personally.
Not really familiar with that part of the country but I would love to see another DLC that takes us to a national park or similar site. Always nice to get away from the city for a while and out where things weren't bombed into tiny little pieces and heavily irradiated.
I'd agree places like New York and other countries deserve their own games, but we'd might have to wait a long time for that. The problem is if Obsidian does the next game, I'd bet the world won't be as detailed as BGS' doing. I'd rather see Bethesda put detail into NYC as DLC for now and let us experience it for the new generation. It's not the end of the road for locations.
I'd still like Chicago if it has to be set in America, though.
Travel to Chicago Area would be good on the DLC that where the E-Bot developed could be good new partner buddy.. make E-Bot, weapons into E-Bot. Commanding E-Bot as the Partner same thing as Dogmeat does as the partner..
So I missed my old buddy Fawkes, could he come back to Boston?
Close to witches and New York? I think I like this game's setting.
My standing hope is for a Cleveland DLC or even a full Cleveland FO, but then again my hometown never gets put in video games (other than sports games)
Europe! Any country in Europe and close to the Atlantic!
I'm curious about how bad it is, considering that they always said that it is worse there...
Nope on Cold war time don't know on Fallout universe Russia was the one with atomic bomb....
In the Fallout Universe, it was China, not Russia.
New York is east coast so definitely Bethesda's turf.
Now Chicago would be very interesting and could be done by either studio.