Do any of you seriously think that CrEAtek deserves more than the 60$ that we already had payed for this game?
- Consolized port of the game.
- DRM and activation limits.
- Bugs everywhere.
- No Directx11
- Hackers everywhere.
- Unprotected game against pirates.
- Unbalanced MP.
- Dumbest AI.
- Low resolution textures.
- Still uses Gamespy, worst server browser ever made.
- Bad respawn points in each MP map.
- No communication with the community.
- XP and Progress doesn't save.
- Laggy MP.
- Stupid ping counter in server browser.
- Voteckick system bad implemented.
- Retarded Chat in-game.
- Useless killcam.
- SLI problems.
- Worst Final Boss I ever seen on a FPS.
And much more I can't remember.
?AND STILL THEY WANT MORE MONEY FOR THIS CR4P?SHAME ON YOU CRYTEK. Learn first to make PC games, because Crysis and Crysis Warhead were too a paradise of cheaters and hackers. And when you'll be good on this try then to sell us games.
this is what they should put on the cd case of crysis 2
