OK so,
Its 9.99$ for a stupid map pack with 4 maps... I'd rather have a bunch of people on my team sit and take care of the existing bugs and problems before selling any such stupid add-on content which in no way will increase the already rated and reviewed gameplay nor will it make the problems go away. I suggest you guys sit your ass down and think what it is that you're all trying to do here because clearly it's not making any sense?!
$59.99 + $9.99 already *are we to expect more DLCs for same prices? a little courtesy would be very nice here!! we never asked you guys to make something "out of the world" and super awesome all we wanted was another Crysis experience not sh*t in our face... but since we did buy your *complete* yet "not so complete" game to support you people... the least anyone can expect is some effing courtesy...
You're releasing patches, fixing stuff... fine! but it's not my problem I don't understand *layman here* why it came to this point in the first place. As in who was eating peanuts at precious post production time??

and since it has already happened... time to man up!! you won't be milking on this franchise for long the way you're doing things!!
I love the idea of new maps but as far as price goes its ****ing 16.7% of $59.99 and with a 'big bundle of joy' here if you felt awesome about it and release another DLC later on for the same price it's 33.4% of the game's original price!
$9.99 for a DLC and not even new single player content leave alone expansions (not to mention at all the still buggy SP/MP anti-cheat system blow hard!! and the eventual crashing...)
I'd buy it if it actually had any meaning in doing so with this particular game at this particular moment...
The question here is not whether anyone is butthurt that they have to shed anything extra... people who want to buy it will still buy it and those who don't want to buy it will not buy it and that's the end of story for them, anyway.
Just my thoughts on the matter, that's all.
P.S - Raging has commenced, below.
INFO here : EA Retaliation