» Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:54 pm
IF game have multiplatform engine then it wasn't ported since games with multiplatform engines don't need to be ported anywhere to work on any platform. Same was with Crysis 2, this game have multiplatform engine so IT DON'T NEED TO BE PORTED, thats why it wasn't port. Guess some people still don't get it.
Witcher 2 have multiplatform engine as well and yet never will be a console port.
it's hard to explain with my poor english, but porting is not only rework game engine to make the game possibble start on another platform. it's optimization for another platform, adding or removing some enhance, reworking controlling, options, may be add some difficulties lvls etc
what can see the x-box guy when he start Crysis2? he can see the game for X-Box (PS3 and any other console)
what can i see when i start Crysis 2? absolutely the same with X-Box guy - i see console game. how can i see it? becouse of menu, becouse of "help" for x-box, becouse of reduce graphics (when the game constructed on one of the most powerfull engines at the moment by engines developers), very bad AA, DX9 at last, poor AI (game difficulty is just a joke comparing with MW2 for example), i see low resolution JPG on the background on some lvls, i find 3D support cutted to all hell to make sure the mode will be work on dam console (i start to hate this device!), i see simplified controls to make sure gamepads will be able to do everything needed in game etc etc etc
i HAVE NO feeling of console porting when i launch BFBC2, but that game is multiplatform as well
so, am i so wrong? or may be something is wrong with Crysis2 eventually?
YEAH! Finally, someone who understands. Russians get it. Russians don't settle for anything less than perfect. Screw you, CryTek.