» Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am
You know what the scary thing is, and I just noticed this BTW, right under the logo at the top of the page where it says "gamesas" it still says beta?! Do you mean to tell me that you have people giving their credit card info on a site that is STILL in BETA? Are you out of your Freak'n mind? What the hell are you guys thinking, REALLY????? I want to know who thought that this was a good idea, the best way to go?!?!?! Please introduce me so I tell him how stupid he is! Why not let Steam sell the Steam users the DLC, and EA Store, D2D, etc.... the rest? Why screw up a good thing? Now Crytek I don't blame you so much because I understand you just made the game and provided the content, but EA and everyone else involved in setting up this "break thru method" of purchasing DLC on a Beta site needs to fix things quick because I know that if I become a victim of identity theft as a result of their piss poor method of payment, I will lawyer up and take EA for everything they are worth!