US dlc removed from Canadian PSN Store = big problems

Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:45 pm

So I've had a collectors edition with the classic pack since launch day, every time a new dlc came out onto the Canadian store there were 2 versions, one was simply titled the expansion pack's name, while the other always said (French/English) Up until now i had been under the impression that the alternate versions were simply bilungual packs for french Canadians.

That being said, I would always purchase the regular versions which were smaller in size. When the 20th had rolled arround, I installed my New Vegas once again on my PS3, updated the game to 1.07, and proceeded to the Store. Just like I had done with each prior expansion pack, I purchased the smaller one without the bilungual patch.

It installs, I launch the game. No lonsome road in the DLC menu.

After poking arround I found out that the smaller english only files of the prior expansion packs had been removed from the playstation store, yet lonesome road was launched with two copies.

There was no warning on the dlc pack's discription that it would not work if you had the (french/english) versions (which i now do because i have no choice)

So I'm making a request to either;

1. Bring back the smaller "US" versions to the Canadian PSN store.

2. Provide users who were unaware of this format issue, a dlc code for the bilingual version.

3. Do what you have done with the 3 previous expansion packs and remove the "US" version, while giving our user accounts a verification of purchase, of the bilingual version.

Right now it feels as though I threw 10 dollars in the mud because I can't access my dlc. Because as of right now, I would need to download the bilingual version of Lonesome Road in order for it to show up. In order to do this however, the PSN store requires me to buy this bilingual version for another 10 dollars, which is completely unfair.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:40 pm

As much as I hate to say this, the content packs, where multi versions are available, tell you what version of the game and DLC it is and will work with. but either way you could always file a complaint or something.. i guess you might be able to get a credit or refund ect.

You also will want to direct DLC technical issues to, you'd probably get more help on the subforum made for exactly that ^_^
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David Chambers
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