Ronto, in January. That'd present a nice change of environment.
(Of course "Ronto" is an utter mistake, it would obviously have become "Trawna".)
I know it's a bit too big of a thing to ask, but seeing a glimpse of China would be nice.
A possible way to get to China: a portal in a mine shaft. I think it would go along with '50s paranoia of communist infiltration and invasion and it plays with the 'tunnel to China' -trope.
Started to think about what you said there... But I swapped it around in my head and added it to the original post.
Like a group of “refugees”/”explorers” looking to leave the US hoping that there might be something better out there in the world. Their purpose for travelling would have to be based on the knowledge this generation of wastelanders would know of the old world. Either they know a bit about other nations from before the war and how the world looked like. Based of that knowledge they think there might be parts of the world that wasn't destroyed as badly as the land they know (us). Or it would be like exploring the unknown for them, much like when the north atlantic was sailed the first time and America was “discovered”, just the other way around. Nevertheless, the SS would be able to fill in on details about the pre-war world.
The results doesn’t have to be what they expect ofcourse, perhaps they would find a complete hell on the other side.
As I recall most of the dlc’s for fallout 3 didn’t really involve any of these factions (neither did they have supermutants or deathclaws). Again, the poll is about a DLC set outside of the US not a standalone fallout game set outside of US. We’re talking about some hours of additional content. Small scale, like previous fallout DLC’s. As a purpose of introducing new lore about the rest of the world.
Setting a game outside the US and their annexed territories would just not be worth it.
There's still so much left in post-war US to explore too.
well... consider 2/5 DLC in Fallout 3 is fighting alien and virtual realitiy back into the pass. it is reasonable they don't include it. then we have BoS as expansion so that is one faction. The Pitt and Point Lookout are a bit weird tho, never like it. Both DLC introduce a weird environment that I feel like playing different game and lacking the Fallout world environment feeling.
I dont care either way, I just want the settlement thing expanded and added to badly.
Voted no, not really interested in other countries when I'm playing Fallout, a mention here and there is fine.
Setting it somewhere else strips it of everything that makes Fallout what it is. You may as well just play Metro or S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
America isolated itself from the rest of the world before the great war, so they wouldn't have been doing much exporting.
So basically: No nuka cola, no BoS, no power armor, no vertibirds, no FEV virus, no vaults, different chems, different music, different guns, different technology.
It'd be a completely different game.
Nope there is no Canada left; it was annex by America . Everything else is just to far away from the Commonwealth.
Annexed doesn't mean destroyed. Hawaii was annexed by the US but I am pretty sure it's still there.
Yes I know what annex means.
It is part of America so if a DLC is located in say Ronto (Toronto) it is not outside the United States.
I understand the point people are making about it "ruining" the feeling about fallout and its style. But I still feel some people are viewing the proportion about a dlc like this in the wrong way. It's NOT a complete new game. It's a small new explorable area that would be a nice tease of information about the rest of the world. While fallout is based of a "50s-style" US with futiristic elements it doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't exists or is of no interest. To strip away everything "american" and make a new fallout game set somewhere else would indeed totally ruin the fallout experience for me, but that's not what we're talking about here. It could even be like the example I edited in the original post, an overseas american military base. Nevertheless it woldn't strip anything out of fallout 4 but would rather add something else on the side and it wouldn't change the commonwealth.
Perhaps there's not even any survivors you would meet in this expansion area, but focused around something else. With obtainable information about what happened in another part of the world when the bombs fell. I'd also imagine there would be alot of influence from the US in the rest of the world, mostly europe ofcourse (before the bombs). Even more so in this alternate universe that is fallout.
Plus, DLC's for Fallout 3 like the point lookout didn't quite preserve the original fallout feeling for me. It felt as something different and without the original "futuristic 50's style", more like american redneck swampland. Still I liked that DLC and it didn't change my view of the wasteland after returning to the capital after some hours of exploration.
OK, if you want to be pedantic I'll play. Clearly the question is about DLC featuring areas outside what is currently the US. This is made pretty clear by the poll option "Yes, but only on the american continent."
Hmm, that's not true. General Atomics International and RobCo Industries both had branches in the UK. The UK department, is, allegedly, where the Mr.Handy type of 'bots originated from. Hence the posh english voice they speak in. There is even a robot in FO4 with a Union Jack on its back