Separate countries, one sovereign state.
I think.
I am most definitely curious to see the condition that the rest of the world is in, but there's no feasible way for your PC to actually hoof it over there.
A few options exist:
With the Institute's technology and use of synths to replace humans, it'd be easy to write a story on how Synths compromised radio stations of some countries so that they can teleport a whole lot more Synths to the target location.
Using the Brotherhood of Steel's technology and technical know how (and maybe rob the Institute of their technology and scientists), build an insanely expensive airship.
Them UFOs that're always crashing... Take the tech and work with either the Institute/Brotherhood of Steel.
All the other factions can just sit down and shut up, cos they can't do anything. lol.
And, let me just say that I want to go to the moon. So 2 of the above are applicable.
There have been reports on the content of this topic, good job it was edited. Please keep it constructive otherwise you will have a moderator visit! Thanks.
Hey, who needs facts when you have BIG TEXT! to back up your claims?
"nice" way of editing and then twist it around. As for quoting me, could you please refrain from altering what I wrote, not very polite, and secondly, you might, again, rephrase or delete the insults to my person. tyvm.
I don't quite see how a dlc set in china would would make you play as a communist survivor. In previous DLC's you haven't been forced to play a new character, you'll still be the survivor from the commonerwealth. So don't really see your point there. Unless you're talking about a standalone game, which is not what this topic is about. It's not you were forced to be one of the inbred swampfolks in point lookout for an example.
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While I'm sure there could be a few couple of people out there that would want a dlc set outside of the US because of an "anti-american" mindset, I'm also very sure that those people are few and most likely wouldn't be that interested in Fallout and future DLC's. I like fallouts style and that's also a reason why I'm not particulary interested in seeing a standalone spinoff set outside of the US. I am, however, interested in exploring more of the lore behind this alternate universe. A part of that is also getting some information about the rest of the world. Preferably it shouldn't get too much focus and that's why a dlc expansion would be suitable.
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Regarding your acceptable locations, I agree. Canada would seem most realistic to do and tropical location would stray too far from fallouts original feeling, so in that case a european location would be more appropriate.
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On a side note I think it's very childish to quote someone and change the content of the quote to make the person seem dumb and simpleminded just because they have another opinion than you. I'm sure you can agree to that was just unneccessary.
What's the problem with it? Unless you were referring to what I mention just above in the "side note". Otherwise it seems to have been rather smooth.
This is certainly the problem with setting a dlc in a location to far away. Other DLC's that involves travelling have forwarded the time in game a bit, like a week. But more time than would just feel strange.
MIght be nice to see a few DLC's with this approach. For example:
You side with the BOS, you go on to Ronto for oil or something to harness more powerful machines.
You side with the Institute and they move on to the UK to begin invasion of Europe.
You side With the Railroad and they go back to previously played locations such as New Vegas.
You side with the Minutemen and more content on this map is available, maybe with some ability to go back to pre-war Boston.
EDIT: changed: "You side with the BOS, you go on to another state and begin to take over that territory." to "You side with the BOS, you go on to Ronto for oil or something to harness more powerful machines."
I'd like to see how China is doing now, 200 years after the war. Interesting idea.
That would need to be it's own game to be good, an add-on won't do it justice.
I voted "yes" as I'm learning geography, of a sorts, through the Fallout games.
Not everyone is obsessed with Murica, so definitely yes for something outside. Always wanted to see China, but I know that'll probably never happen.
Outside the US there was less damage, no FEV and there were fewer guns so they actually rebuilt and are getting back to normality fairly quickly.
They decided not to re-establish contact with the US though
I woudl really like to see a Fallout based in California using the current engine, I know that was already used as a setting in the earlier titles but not with the current engine.
I really enjoy seeing locations I know in these games.
Yeah totally agree - so you can understand how people like me, not from the US, would like to see it somewhere we recognise a bit more.
I don't expect it to happen but it sure is a nice thought It was created by Although the series is set during the 22nd and 23rd centuries, its setting and artwork are influenced by the post-war, and its combination of hope for the promises of technology, and lurking fear of A forerunner for Fallout is, a 1988 video game of which the Fallout series is regarded to be a Although the game worlds are different, the background story, inhabitants, locations, and characters draw many parallels.
Setting: The series is set in a fictionalized in an scenario that diverged from our reality following culminated in the "Great War" in the year 2077, a two-hour on an apocalyptic scale, which subsequently created the United States, the setting of theFallout world.
Seriously though, Obsidian and Bethesda are both American studios. One of the reason they're able to make the locations the way they are is because they can easily visit the locations themselves.
Furthermore, as mentioned previously 1.) The Fallout IP's setting is America. It'd be like having TES take place in Russia. 2.) The only sources we have on the rest of the world indicate it was destroyed even worse than the United States was.
Should it matter? I don't want the Metro series anywhere but Russia. I don't want TES anywhere but Tamriel. A Farcry series would be out of place in the United States. I wouldn't want to play Shinobi outside of Japan.
A series' setting is integral to the IP and to the lore regardless of what game, movie, novel, etc. That's all there is to it.
Yes, I reside within the United States; however, in our reality I've never appreciated the whole borders thing. A countries borders are nothing more than an imaginary line drawn on a piece of paper. I don't recognize race (it's just a social construction of humanity) and in my opinion ethnicity is just about a shared culture. Homo sapiens are Homo sapiens no matter what imaginary line you draw between each other.
Although it's rather funny that you would attempt to draw attention to what country I hold citizenship in based on the post you quoted