As the title says, would you want to see a DLC set outside of the US? I'm unsure myself if I'd truly would want to, I have a hard time justifying how the character gets there unless it is close (annexed canada, alaska, mexico) and the reason to go there. But one thing I do know, I'm dying for new information about the rest of the world! I'd love to see (even if it would be a very small part) europe, china etc. At the very least I want something related to it. A way for me to gain information about the rest of the world even if it doesn't involve travelling across the "border".
I'd really like to know what others think about it so feel free to voice your opinions!
I doesn't neccessarily need to be focused on the character travelling to another part of the world to discover remnants of other societies. It could be a group of people planning an expedition outside of the U.S to see what awaits across the oceans. It feels like some wastelanders out there must have had an urge to see what's left of the world. Or simply going by the "grass is greener on the other side" kind of thinking. So a sort of expedition DLC, where a certain NPC or a group of NPC possesses means of travelling the oceans. Or a location with rumours of something valuable (the latter could ofcourse just as well be in the US which on a side note is something I'd like to see as well - an expedition DLC - in the us or not)
Just something that popped up in my mind, so decided to add it.
Another idea I had would be travelling and exploring an area with an american overseas military base (secret?) that could have been underground. Much like a vault and protected the military personnel and their families when the bombs fell. Perhaps their descendants would still be alive?
There's plenty of ways to spin it and personally I wouldn't see it as damaging to the already existing lore. A few hours of additional content giving us a glimpse of this alternate universe history/lore as a whole would, atleast for me, make the time spent on US soil more interesting in the future.