I'm not sure what you are talking about. I know PC users refer to the tilda (~) function as the "console", but the word console also represents the Xbox/PS platforms. I thought I was pretty clear on that in my post.. I know it can get confusing.
I'm not sure what you are talking about. I know PC users refer to the tilda (~) function as the "console", but the word console also represents the Xbox/PS platforms. I thought I was pretty clear on that in my post.. I know it can get confusing.
Not entirely accurate. Yes, people are not "forced" in the literal sense, but Bethesda has forced by ultimatum. People who were waiting to see what the dlc would be and which ones they would want now have to either buy the season pass RIGHT NOW or be punished later. So, essentially Bethesda "is" on some level, forcing people, at least those who were going to buy either some or all the dlc and were waiting for more in depth information.
Or, it could be that the season pass is in the top 5 because of the ultimatum Bethesda gave.
Forced? Ultimatum? The season pass was optional in the first place. If you aren't sold on the DLC now, no one's forcing you to spend any money on anything. Buy the DLCs a la carte, like we'd all be doing anyway if they never offered this deal. Or, wait one to two years for the ultimate edition to come out... or, wait three years for it to get sold on the cheap.