» Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:52 am
The reason for all of the hate from PC players is simple.
You're asking us to pay $10 for more maps to a broken game (at least on the PC it is very broken).
I really WANT to love this game, but I cannot... The MP is fun when hackers aren't present, but let's be honest I've run into sooooo many hackers that every time I come up against somebody that is pretty descent it makes me start thinking they could be hacking and yet again... my game is not as enjoyable.
I'm afraid to unlock stuff in MP because next time I come in, it's gone so I've got a bunch of weapons that I could be using, but I'm afraid to because each time I game I may or may not lose something that I've worked hard for.
I'm sure X360 and PS3 (well not PS3 for now, Sony FAIL!) players can enjoy the online game more because their experience is not as bug-ridden as the PC version but the truth is... if they bought the game and were unsatisfied with it, they could at the very least SELL it, return it, give it away!!!! We can't do any of that and it svcks!!!! At least they can recover SOME of their investment, but we get screwed all over because we're stuck with a broken game and cannot even return it or sell it to someone who is willing to wait 2-3 months for a working game.
I really have been a fan of you guys, but you've sold out to the console and I will not be purchasing any new games from you guys until the "community" has given an ALL CLEAR that you are taking care of the PC community again.
I'm sorry your game has been hacked, but are you sorry that our game has been hacked too?
Disappointed former fan,