DLC, What I personally wish for.

Post » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:00 am

yeah waste of a post, but hey this would be cool.

Would love to see a DLC that expands on the gunners, and gives you a way to see there military side with out it being aimed at your face.

For this I have a pretty beefy concept.

old york assualt.

DLC base: this DLC has you and several other random wastelanders responding to a Radio call by a gunner spec ops group looking for recruits to help in an assault of NEW york city. The objective take cashes of weapons and gear long sense lost, and return to the commonwealth with them.

side things: the player can be promoted in the gunners and eventually reform their structure turning them from a bandit group to a common wealth military support group. (sort of like the minutemen on seroids)

note: dlc meant for 20+ level

DLC plot

intro: the DLC starts with the player ariving at a bunker to find more then a few heavily armed gunners, and a WORKING apc. they player is quickly asked, if they are hear for the job. (if wiped out the gunner command, some of the gunners will comment on it saying they hated the ass hat of a leader they had. showing this is their assault groups not their raider groups) The player can take the job, attack the gunners or refuse and come back later.

IF the player takes the job they are told to put everything they own in a chest in the bunker and equip a special military clothing item (provides 10 protection to all damage can use armor with, can mod), near it are 3 other chests all that require keys. (you can gain them during the DLC). once the player puts all their stuff in the the chest and puts on the clothing, they are shuffled off into the APC and put in a "loading" event (followers other then strong may come with for DLC). (there is also a bay for power armor with one raider set on it, this raider set is unique as it has a flame paint job similar to the atom cats paint job)

Inside the APC is 2-3 other wastelanders. The two that will always be there are as follows.


info: ex raider, loves fire, has a plasma flamer with a special extended ammo pack.

bio: ex raider, who ran with a group that decided to attack the atom cats, during hte raid he watched as these power armored greasers, turned his buddies into stains on the ground, instead of running he turned on his buddies, noting that maybe being a raider is not the best for him. He has sense been there supplier in paint and tools going on recons with groups like the gunners to find the supplies he needs. (not a atom cat proper but one of the many people looking to prove himself to them)

personality: cocky, and heavily obsessed with chems and seeing things burn.

weapon: plasma flamer


info: an institute synth gone rogue, ran into the gunners and was given a choice join the mission or be shot. Unlike other human synths, she goes by a name instead of a number. Even though she never made it to the rail road

bio: an institute synth she was in charge of cybernetic implantation of institute personnel including Kellogg (not mentioned if you haven't made it that far in the main quest). as such she has extensive knowledge of medicine and knows how to heal anyone nomater what.

personality: shy, and scared, but a crack shot do to the tech in her brain.

weapon: institute sniper rifle.

No name

info: a no name settler looking for some caps, not much is known about htem and they are randomly generated as they may be replaced by one of your followers.

While in the APC with this group, you are given exposition on where you are heading. The gunner driving the APC tells you that your group is heading to the ghoul city known as new york (called old york by the gunner). IT is explained that the force there is using all of the gunners main gear as they are trying to take the hole city as a main base so they can get away from the raiding and shady jobs they tend to do in the commonwealth. But of course they are having problems the city is filled with feral ghouls and some strange creatures the likes of which they have never seen, all you are told is the crew call them skeletons or reapers, and that if you see one you are already dead.

the dialog dump is given and you are given a short time to learn about the other two in the APC, from there the "loading" stops and you arive at a bridge which is filled with recrutes being armed to take the city.

At this point you are told by the driver to go to the armory then command to get your weapons and orders.

the camp consists of the following areas.


at the armory the gunner there a ghoul named TIE, will gear you up with a .45 rifle (depending on perks may be automatic, sniper, or battle rifle modded), a 10mm auto pistol (confort grip modded and glow sighted), a combat knife. And gunner urban light armor (a chest peace, helmet, and arms with a digital camo pattern, this armor is considered unique despite most soldiers in the camp having it. has +10DR against ghouls and glowing enemies) (can get leggings from it later in the quest.)

Command center

here you are told your orders, which to start is just to help with the defensive line. form here you get all quests for the DLC, as well as rank ups and the ability to change your squad later in the DLC.

Firing range

here there is a gunner that will show you how to craft your own ammo, as well as several gunners, settlers, and ex-raiders using the firing range. (all in standard armor using one of the given weapons from the armory)

side quests: at the start the firing range operator shows you how to craft .38 and 10mm rounds (standard, tracer, and AP rounds) he also gives you side quests to find blue prints in the city every 10 you bring him unlocks more ammo and ammo types (up to things like a napalm cased mininuke)

Power armor depote

here you will see 2 gunner commandos in urban cammo t-45's using browning machine guns. in this area is 5 more of this armor being worked on by techs. Here you learn that these armors where found in the city apparently part of some push to try and retake it by the military just after the war. A mag with urban camo paint instructions can be found here (can be applied to t-45 to 1-60 armor makes stealth 20% easier, adds +1 to charisma)

APC depot

where you start, contains 3 working APC's and one WORKing tank. nothing much here but some gunners working on the tank, to which they tell the driver to rotate the main guns from time to time.

this is the point the DLC offically starts, when you get your orders you are told to head out with a group of 8 others (including the 2-3 that where in the APC with you) and take the other side of the bridge which has been over run by ghouls. this mission is basicly a slow moving fire fight across the bridge, during it you actually get to see how the gunners operate in missions, with 4 of the people being gunner soldiers who move from cover to cover allways having one suppressing fire during the movements. Also following your group is one of the APC's this APC will provice fire support as well as blowing away a barricade half way across the bridge (causes a horde of ferals to come out of the cade including a few glowing ones).

the bridge serves just to show how powerful the gunners actually are and makes you wonder why they where hiring random wastelanders to help. (though you can learn before this that this hole thing is a recrutement tool of theirs, they get to find the best of the best in the wastes and get them in their ranks by showing off their good side)

once on the other side of the bridge you have to clear out a small area to access its workbench from there you are tasked with placing gunner cades and mk 5 turrets (Cades are supplied by the APC you have 4 of them they give 3 defense each, and the turrets have parts around the area.) once that is done the field commander will leave the APC and talk to you starting the branching parts of this DLC.

MAIN objective, unlike main quests this DLC has one objective that is to take 10 points around the city. these points are ass follows

two parks

reason: the parks are where the gunners are wanting to set up their farming operations.

a vehicle depote (military)

reason: tanks and APC's taking this point actually starts a side quest group that allows you to drive an APC, it is slow but has 2 5.56 machine guns and a 40mm cannon. (things max speed is just over a running power armor)

note vehicles

the APC requires 4 fusion cores to run though they last for a long time (8x as long as a power armor can hold with min) the problem is out side of the city the 40mm ammo is rare.

4 appartment complexes

reason: housing of troops.


reason: it has a working US navy aircraft carrier docked near it, with 3 working bombers (taking this gives air strike beacons that can be used anywhere, even other DLC's but they cost 2,000 caps each to buy after that)

2 vaults

no info: reason, vault tech stuff.

and the cities main armory which contains several weapons seen nowhere else (though they will be found in the commonwealth on gunners and high level raiders.

vertibird depote

info: a location made by after war military to stage an assault on the city, after the fall of their leaders to the BoS the area has been mostly abandoned but it still has several working vertibirds and equipment to make more.

after taking each area, the gunners will move in and fortify it.




info: based on the m60, holds a 100 round mag with a slow reload, can be modded with quick load mags (cuts ammo by 50%) uses 5.56 ammo can, but can also be modded with a .50 belt (instead of quick load lowers ammo to 30 though) (the machine guns mentioned earlier on the power armor are .50 modded ones of these with a long barrel and short stock mods)

40mm launcher/ unslung launcher

info: single load grenade launcher fires special 40mm grenades, after taking the city armory you can find a schem to mount one of these under a .45 rifle or assault rifle.

note: can be upgraded to tube load and revolver load (2 round and 6 round loads) these increase ammo and fire rate but also increase reload time.

note 2: putting an unslung GL on a weapon removes its melee ability and replaces with the launcher, pushing the melee button reloads while holding launchers a grenade.

death machine

info: a unique minigun, with a 250 round mag, fires 5 projectiles per shot. comes with the tri barrel mod and gunner sights equipped, is found on a crashed vertibird which has a x-01 helmeted power armor frame in it (frame is not usable has a skeleton in it and a 23/100 power core.) (is found mounted to the vertibird)

mk5c 10mm smg

info: the 10mm smg from fallout 3, several are found on dead soldiers around the city. has a 30 round mag, and automatic reciver.

upgrades: 75 round drum, quick load mag, quick load drum, standard stock, full stock, grenade launcher (requires full stock) glow sights, standard sights, barrel sights, aircraft sights (designed to show where a lobbed grenade will fall ). standard reciver mods. suppressor, and bayonet.



info: basicly E.O.D armor, has a high resistence to explosives (I mean high take a mini nuke to the face and only take 10 damge high) but low projectile, energy and rad resistance. (also has high melee resistance) this armor is a full body armor, and slows the user down.

gunner elite gear

info: a variation on the heavy combat armor, only has a green digital camo design. This armor is implied to have been invented by the gunners after taking an institute job. this armor gives same stats as heavy combat armor but also gives +1 to charisma and strength.

combat armor MK II helmet (is unique)

info: a modifiable combat helmet that has a heads up display and built in night vision (toggled by flash light).

looks: comando helmet with riot face shield.

upgrades holds

main armor upgrades (same as combat armor)

misc 1

hud improvement I: shows enemies

hud improvement II: highlights locations for ammo for current gun +hud I's stuff.

hud improvement III: highlights allies to prevent friendly fire(in combat only) + hud II's stuff

hud improvement IIII: allows remote control of power armor (requires mod on power armor helmet), +hud III's stuff

misc 2

tact light (all colors)

night vision screen (over lays vision with night vision making easier to see at night

heat vision (shows living things heat maps, note mierlurks and death claws do nto have heat maps, and glowing ones light the thing up)

targeting computer (when light is active 10% more accurate at range with vats.)

ok sort of lost my train of thought but hey got most the idea posted.

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