DLCfree update concept. wasteland armory.

Post » Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:28 am

Ok repost of http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1591956-fallout-4-needs-a-weapon-dlc/ which was locked do to hitting post limit.

Only reason Reposted is I am still working on this concept and plan to be adding items to it, the idea is to get it up to 15 or 20 weapons with at least 5 armor concepts.

This is a concept for a DLC, note to the people who are against weapon DLC's. weapons take time any modder can tell you that, while yes they are one of the easiest things to mod, it still takes 4 to 5 hours just to do a good base model, then you have all the other things you have to do to it.

Also note I am not going to push for this to be a payed one, though I can say if you think that spending 5 hours working on something means it should be free I feel sorry for you.

A mass weapon DLC in a story DLC is near impossible do to the constraints of a story DLC, in a story DLC the weapons have to fit the area and are competing for time with more important aspects like dungeons and quests. That said this is a concept for a DLC payed or free that is designed purely for adding more variation to the leveled lists and loot tables. This started out as a weapon concept but I have added more to it.


wasteland armory

info: adds everything from riot shields to grenade launchers and anything in between. Weapons would be added to leveled list after finding vaults containing them, a few of the weapon vaults will be open upon DLC activation but thoughs would be the "cut" weapon vaults (aka the one with the chinese assault rifle)

story concept: teh weapons in this "DLC" would not be accessible out right, instead the player would have to search for hidden weapon vaults around the waste land, these vaults will contain many copies of the weapons with each one found adding them to the leveled list though out the waste land.

vault 001

location: lexington speak easy basemant (location added by mod)

contains: pump shotguns, slugs, 1 crossbow.

leveled list: when found venders will start selling pump shotguns, raiders will have them more often then double barreled

vault 002

location: underwater in the ocean, is a container on a sunken barge

contains: grenade launchers

leveled list: NA do to location.

vault 003

location glowing sea

contains: grenade launchers, riot gear (armor and shields)

note: location implied to be a swat armory.

leveled list: gunners and BoS start having grenade launchers and riot armor (in their paint to)

vault 004

location: the bardge crashed into a bridge (bandit base)

contains: chinese assualt rifles, 40mm grenades

note: the raiders have already breached this one as such this base has chinese assualt rifles.

leveled list: once cleared, venders start selling, as well as diamond city gaurds start using.

vault 005

location: wilderness

contains: bows and crossbows

note: basically an old hunting goods store vault

leveled list: raiders start using crossbows, venders start selling them.

other vault ideas to come will contain new weapon ideas

story behind weapon vaults

weapon vaults are pre war vaults designed to keep merchandise safe even if a robery happened, as such they have security the likes of which no one has seen. to open a vault one must enter in a password and open two key locks (advanced+) once opened vaults tend to contain hundreds of their goods.


chinese assualt rifle

info: the most versatile weapon in the world, even putting the home made pipe weapons to shame in the amount of mods.

damage: 20

range: 117

fire rate: 75

ammo: 30



automatic receiver (default)

burst receiver (3 round bursts, no cost)

semi automatic receiver ( no cost, single fire)

hardened versions

advanced versions

sprayer (superior fire rite, low accuracy)


wooden stock (default)

polymer stock (no effect, visual change to weapon)

marksman stock (better sighted accuracy)

no stock (changes name to smg)

padded marksmans stock (best recoil control of any stock in the game)


5.56 (Default)

.308 (higher damage, -20% capacity)

.45 (higher capacity, lower damage)

AP 5.56 (ignores some DR)

AP .308 (higher damage, -20% capacity, ignores some DR)


stub mag (20 rounds, faster reload)

banana (30 rounds, default)

stick mag (30 rounds, faster reload and drawl)

large banana (50 rounds, slower reload)

drum mag (100 rounds, same reload as large banana)

large drum mag (200 rounds, slowest reload)


stub barrel (default)

short barrel (better recoil and range)

medium barrel

long barrel

short tactical barrel (unlocks under barrel attachments)

medium tactical barrel

long tactical barrel


suppressor (only suppressor that can be equipped with gun nut 1)

flash suppressor (better recoil)

pike bayonet (quicker gun melee, more damage)

knife bayonet (same as standard bayonets)

::under barrel:: (requires tactical barrel)

flash light basic (adds a flashlight to gun, good for when you don't want a mining helmet but want that flashlight)

flash light tactical (Colors)

flash light bright (better range)

Bi-pod (firing over cover has almost no recoil, requires you to stand near cover)

Chinese bayonet (disabled if other bayonet is equiped, highest melee damage for any gun, but slowest melee rate)

masterkey (2 round shotgun, replaces grenade throw, hold key to swap back and forth)

gp-50 (under barrel grenade launcher, single round uses 40mm replaces grenade throw, reloads after firing)

laser aim modual (makes weapon extremely accurate by putting a red dot on the location you will hit. dot loses accuracy as recoil goes up)


glow sights (default)

forward sights (adds a ring to the front, still has glow sights)

ranged sight (adds a m79 stile sight improves range of thrown grenades and if have gp-50 its launched grenades)

short scope

reflex sight

recon scopes

night vision scopes


info: comes in two forms, a crewed baddly built crossbow and a hunting crosswbow.

damage: 60

ammo: 1

range: 200 (not counting gravity)

ammo: bolts (found in ammo areas, or crafted with 1 steel for 10)



low tension bow (default, lower damage but faster reload, lowest range)

medium tension bow (higher damage slower reload, medium range)

high tension bow (superior damage, slowest reload, high range)


waste land wood (default, terrible stats)

carved wood (better accuracy less recoil)

hunting stock (best accuracy, lowest recoil)

polymer hunting stock (Same a standard only plastic based)


none (defualt)

small short scope (light, has a range marker)

recon short scope

night vision short scope


info: unlike the crossbow, a rare weapon in teh waste land seeing as a pipe pistol is better but it is the only completely silent weapon in the wastes (the crossbow has noise)

damage: 50

ammo: 1

ammo type: arrows (Crafted ammo, found on bow users, has a few types)


::wood:: (cosmetic)



red wood

polymer (Add wheels to the model)

::draw:: (bow string and other parts basically how hard it hits and how long it takes to hit full power)

40 LB draw (low damage, fast drawl)

60 LB draw (normal damage, slow drawl, default)

80 LB draw (better damage, slower drawl)

120 LB draw (superior damage, inferior drawl)

::arrow knock:: where you place the arrow + sights)

indented knock (default no stats)

sighted knock (better accuracy)

flush (no place to put arrow, though allows faster fire, at the cost of power and accuracy.)

target knock (adds range markers, supperior accuracy, slower fire time)

arrows(not a weapon mod)

wooden arrow (cheap default, no bonus)

reinforced arrows (adds a stagger chance, lowers range)

barbed arrows (bleed)

explosive arrows (embed in target and explode)

delayed explosive arrows (hit target then explode seconds later)

spike arrows (deals massive damage to power armor parts)

M80 grenade rifle (aka m79 grenade rifle)

info: not something you want to see in the hands of a raider, sadly they are the most common ones to have this beast. a single load 40mm grenade rifle designed to lob grenades at long ranges.


damage: 90

ammo: 1

ammo type: 40mm



standard (1 round)

china lake (4 rounds pump action)

high pressure (longer range)

low pressure (shorter range)


stub (lower accuracy, but cuts weight by alot)

short (default)

long (higher accuracy)


stub (defualt)



recoiling (reduces precised recoil)


none (Default)

standard (basically a bar with lines)

short ranged (see m32 grenade launcher)

medium ranged (better range then short)

recon short ranged (shows grenade arc)

recon medium ranged

nightvision short ranged

night vision medium rnaged


None (Defualt)

thudder (suppressor)

grenade types (can change by sellecting in ammo tab)

impact (grenades explode on impact)

delayed (3 seconds to explode, firing does not alert enemies though the detonation does)

triggered (fire as many as you want then hold grenade key to detonate all of them)

bounce (same as delayed but grenades bounce)

incendiary (energy damage, + chance to light things on fire)

plasma (high energy damage)

EMP (lower damage, but can drain FC's and disable robots)

5mm smg (p90 rippoff)

info: it exists in fallout already so yeah lets give the p90 a return.

damage: 12

fire rate: 200

range: 90

ammo: 50

ammo type: 5mm



automatic (Default)

semi automatic (Better damage accuracy)

sprayer (double fire rate)

hardened and superior of above.


stub (default)

medium (sticks out abit)

tri (adds a small "minigun" like barrel, lowers recoil and maintains accuracy during sustained fire)

suppressed (adds a suppresor is a barrel because of the tri.


civilian (default)

comfort (better recoil control)

reinforced (heavier weapon, supperior recoil)


5mm (Default)

10mm (-50% ammo cap, better damage)

.45 (-65% ammo cap, superior damage)


civilian (24 rounds fast reload)

standard (50 rounds default)

speed load( faster reload)

stacked mag (100 rounds, slow reload)

speed load stacked mag (100 rounds)

Hunting shotgun

info: one thing that I hate about default fallout 3 and 4 is the lack of a pump shotgun, sorry but I know more people that own a pump shotgun then I know people that own no guns at all... though I live in a farm town, and most people here have a shotgun or rifle for many reasons. A pump shotgun actually has advantages over mag based ones in the fact you can reload rounds as needed, in a standard mag based you sort of waste time if you reload after firing a single round.

damage: high

ammo: 6

range: same as combat

ammo type: shells.



short tube (4 rounds)

medium tube (6 rounds default)

long tube (8 rounds)

tactical tube (6 rounds adds flashlight to weapon)

tactical tube [light color]

extended tube (10 rounds)

dual tube (12 rounds, two 6 round tubes, slower reload) (Reload is slower as you have to force the rounds one way or another)

dual long tube (16 rounds, slower reload)

note ammo does not change reload rate as reload one round at a time


sawn off/stub barrel (high spread)

short barrel (default, moderate spread)

medium barrel (lower spread)

long barrel (almost no spread)


short stock (Default)

long stock (lower recoil)

tactical stock (superior recoil)



slugs (ammo type added by DLC turns shotguns into rifles)

explosives slugs (ammo type added by DLC explodes on impact)

heavy incinerator

info: a post war military weapon, designed to lob fireballs over long range, using flamer fuel this weapon is the pinical of fire based carnage

damage: 60 + 3 burn per second for 5 seconds

ammo: 40 uses 4 per shot

range: 200

ammo type: flamer fuel



long barrel (standard)

medium barrel (shorter range, increases damage)

short barrel (inferior range, superior damage)


none (default)

mortar sight ( gives range markers )

advanced sight (shows projectile arc when zoomed)

::fuel pump::

info: reloading point on left side of weapon

small (Default 40 ammo, fast reload)

medium (80 ammo, standard reload)

large (160 ammo, slow reload)

extra large (400 ammo, inferior reload)

::fuel mix::

info: a small tank on bottom of weapon

standard mix (default no bonus)

light incendiary mix (lowers to 2 ammo per shot, removes burn damage)

napalm mix (doubles burn damage, increases standard damage, ups ammo cost to 6)

explosive mix (double damage, adds blast range, ups ammo cost to 6)

rapid burn mix (fires 3 shot bursts, lowers damage, no ammo cost change)

.223 pistol

info: also known as that gun, the .223 pistol is a blast from the past that does damage to match. firing 5.56 ammo this revolver is stronger then even the .44 revovler

note: can be found in prewar safes.

damage: 73

ammo cap: 6

ammo: 5.56

range: 122




hardened (better damage)

three tube (faster reload)

superior (superior damage)

hardened three tube (better damage, faster reload)

superior three tube (superior damage, faster reload)


5.56 (default)

.308 (better damage and range, lower accuracy)


stub barrel (default)

long barrel (better range, and sighted accuracy)

ported stub barrel (better range and accuracy)

ported long barrel (superior range and sighted accuracy)


wooden grip oak

wooden grip maple

wooden grip carved oak

wooden grip carved maple

polymer grip.

note: grips do nothing.


10mm pistol


10mm (default)

.38 (lower damage, +20% ammo cap)

.45 (better damage, -10% ammo cap)

.44 (-25% ammo cap, superior damage)

combat rifle


.45 (default)

5.56 (better damage, -20% ammo cap)

AP .45 (better damage, ignores DR)

AP 5.56(superior damage, -20% ammo cap, ignores DR)

assault rifle


5.56 (Default)

.38 (inferior damage, +400% ammo cap)

.308 (better damage, -20% ammo cap)

AP 5.56 (better damage, ingores DR)

50 (superior damage, -50% ammo cap)

hunting rifle


.308 (default)

.45 (lower range, lower damage, +10% ammo cap)

.50 (better damage)

AP .308 (better damage, ignores DR)

AP .50 (superior damage, ignores DR)

Pipe weapons






.38 (lowest damage)

10mm (moderate damage)

.45 (lowest on revolver)

.44 (better damage)

.308 (lowest on bolt)

5.56 (better damage, -10% ammo cap)



.38: lowest damage

.44: higher damage

.45: highest damage

note: .38 ones can not be crafted instead are found in pre war safes instead of pipe weapons.



info: similar to the NCR riot gear with out the duster (is useless in the a city area) yeah not much to say here , this would be a full body armor with a 2 part helmet. (part one is a ballistic mask that adds a hud, part two is a helmet). This armor would have the highest resistance against melee attacks of any weapon though.


info: large metal shields hard to hold with most weapons but one can easily use a police baton or 10mm pistol along with the shield if the user crouches while using it will take 98% of all forward damage. like the Power armor riot shields can be broken.

health: 500

repair materials: glass, steal, fiberglass.



balistic glass (glass look, default, 500 hp)

makeshift metal (make shift look, 700 HP)

heavy riot shield (reinforced look metal base with a small view slot, 1k HP)

military riot shield (heavy with balisitc plating, 2k HP)

the better the material the more expensive to repair.

::misc slot::

splayed edges (adds protection from sides removes ability to use weapons, though you can bash with it)

spiked (weapon bashes with it, deal bleed damage)

gun slot (fire pistol through a slot in the shield, lowers chance of enemies hitting your arm when using pistols with the shield)

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Penny Flame
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