We could have a haunted ship that has made its way to the docks of Solitude. A wounded pirate, a dark elf (Introduces herself as First-Mate Mara who later changes her name to Maral when she leaves the Mourning's Tearl) can be found on the deck, where the Dragonborn can start a small quest to defeat the ghosts of the pirates on the ship to claim it their own. After defeating the pirate ghosts, the Dragonborn can return to Maral at the Winking Skeever, whom is feeling a bit better. She will reward you with the captain's special sabre, Doomslayer, that has a 10% chance to paralyze your opponent for 10 seconds. She will also reward you with the ship (known as the Mourning's Tear). You can purchase new furnishings for 7,500 septims from Maral and hire a crew from her for 1,000 septims.
You can persuade Maral to come on adventures with her; she can have some extra dialogue similar to Frea and Lydia.
If you ask Maral's age, she will tell you she has been here for a long time, since the time of the Nerevarine.
In Caves:
- "Are we seriously going in that cave? I have some problems being in a cave." Before entering/nearing a cave.
- "Dark... Tight spaces... Bleh!" While inside a cave
In Forts:
- "Imperial or Stormcloak fort? I'd have to go with bandit." If a fort has not been taken by the Empire or Stormcloak.
- "A Imperial fort? Born in Cyrodiil, much more civilized than my siblings back at Morrowind." In a fort that has been taken by the Empire.
- "A Stormcloak fort? I hope I don't get killed by these Nords." In a fort that has been taken by the Stormcloaks.
In Dwemer Ruins:
- "Very fascinating! I can't imagine how the Dwemer can build this stuff!" While in a dwemer ruin.
- "A Dwemer ruin? Be Careful while you are in there." Outside/Near a Dwemer ruin.
- "The Dwemer are fascinating. Did you know machines that they built still function today?" Inside/Outside a Dwemer ruin.
In Major Towns/Settlements:
- "Nothing to look at here... Boring!" While in a major town/settlement.
In Major Cities:
- "Beautiful... Interesting... Amazing..." While in a major city.
At the College of Winterhold:
- "I considered joining the College of Winterhold, but I remembered that my family back in Cyrodiil long ago discouraged any types of magic."
- "Any Dunmer here? I'd like to meet a Dunmer wizard here." If you show her a Dunmer wizard (Example: Brelyna Maryon), she will strike up a conversation with him/her.
There should be four crew members:
- Stares-At-Sea (Argonian female guard whom can be a follower and be married too)
- Maggie (Nord female servant)
- Virk (Nord male first-mate)
- Erosmo (Bosmer male that serves as a blacksmith vendor and can be married)
The Mourning's Tear can include a bedroom with four beds for the crew members, a master bedroom for yourself, a training hall, trophy hall, and a kitchen-dining area.