DLCUpdate Idea: Anonymous Mode

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:40 am

I'm not far into the game, having work and kids, but my main beef so far is the voiced character. I'm playing in first-person, no HUD, dialogue camera-off. It's better than default settings, but still annoying.

What I'd like to see is a mode that you can turn on at the beginning that makes you a blank slate: no main quest, no voice, dialogue camera off. It could be implemented as an unlockable for finishing the MQ. It would also be nice if Beth incorporated the mod that shows you the exact words that your character will say in a conversation. I am on Xbox One and don't have access to mods. I know they said we will get them, but I'm skeptical about how it will actually work.

(I'd also like ammo weight and slow healing from stimpaks, independent of the difficulty setting. As a New Vegas "hardcoe" player, I'm fairly satisfied with the implementation of food and sleep in the new game.)

Anyway, that's my hope: Anonymous Mode.

Also, I'd like to see a toggle for "ambient" dialogue. I understand what they tried to do by making the dialogue apparently come from the one delivering it, but it creates a weird sound balance when I can barely hear the character with whom I am speaking, yet my own voice is (overly) loud and clear.

Lastly, toggles for individual HUD elements. I don't want to see a compass or my health on screen, but I would like to see what someone gives me, the name of the place I just discovered, what quest just got activated and subtitles for dialogue when I'm playing late at night. Still having one opacity slider that removes everything seems kinda last-gen for a AAA title. Thanks for reading!

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