Yo what's up! We (SWAT) would love to match up against you or any other team for that matter. Most of the detail of times and dates can either go through Arsenic or myself. We just had a great match against the EVO guys. 2 maps (Terminal, City Hall), 3 V 3 (wish we had 6 v 6) but it was great! Awesome gameplay, great competition and I can't wait to do it again. If you get your squad together we would be up for a match. I personally am getting bored with the pub play and my blood was pumping today during the match. I think that is the way to go from now on.
If we can get enough teams together I will set up a league tournement style with a full schedule of matches, maps, and statistics. I think it will be possible if we could get 6-10 teams with at least 6-10 people on the team. Hopefully Crytec will take notice and put something together for us, but that is probably asking to much. Contact us with any questions, or just friend me (Saiyan-420), Arsenic, Beastly, Poison, Bladdermetal, DC Shoes, or CMink. I look forward to seeing ya'll in the game!