Since it has been officially confirmed that neither will be possible, this thread is redundant. :nono:
So let me guess,
They transformed a skill based combat system of old age into something dynamic, as much dynamic as you can parry, attack, strafe right left, move front or back or any combination, but you WON T be able to sidestep or any form of dynamic simple dodge based on your skill because....
Because what?
That doesn t make sense from a tradictional RPG stat based combat,
Not does it do any sense from a Dynamic, action game based combat form.
This is bringing the WORST of the two combat method, we will be standing stones bashing at each other until one is burried ?
Doesn t make much sense from a realeased gameplay trailer, even thought if in this trailer we see no dodge and albsolutely awfully bad hitbox implementation, the lately doesn t bother me as long the explanation is:
The combat is dynamic but based on your character skill. If so, and if dodge exist as skill, then it should be implemented ingame.