Also it doesn't really break the lore since it can be explained.
Not enough info. At all times? Just pre-orders? This webste? Other sites?
The vibe around this site has been that play as any race from pre-orders is fine, and welcomed, but would prefer it to remain only for pre-orders and not end up as a cash option later on.
Yes. There have been many threads discussing this topic already and the consensus was heavily weighted toward the positive, since in the Elder Scrolls games you can play as any race and still be the champion of a foreign land.
Do not be surprised if this thread is locked because as stated, there are several other threads already discussing this.
Seriously? The outcry when they first announced faction locks was deafening.
This is going to sound very unfair, but I am okay with any race any faction as long as it excludes the Aldmeri Dominion, because it just doesn't make sense for any of the other races to join their cause. It is perfectly fine for any race to want to join Daggerfall or Ebonheart, simply due to those factions goals, and the fact that members of every race live in those regions. While yes, members of every race could possibly live in Dominion territory, I don't see how humans or beasts could support Elven supremacy.
But...other races already do support it. The Khajiit are a member of their faction, and Dunmer don't belong to their faction but have always felt superior to others, just to name two. It's not impossible to create a storyline that suggests logical reasons for a mercenary, an outcast, or simply a zealot from joining who happen to be another race.
Stating this implies they should never do an Elder Scrolls game set in that zone, because it would be 'unrealistic' of them to offer the any race option in a single player game. If you can make it work in any other ES game, why not this one?
Personally I'm perfectly fine with it. Just means I don't have to pick a race that's in a faction my friends are in when I don't like the races in it.
Having said that I understand the whole PVP bit to this, but my preference is no hard factions at all. I hate that every MMO I'm shut off from half or 2/3 of the playerbase for general play rather than being able to play with them too.
Any race/any faction is one of the best things added to the game.
I can play with the race I want in the faction of my choice, instead of being forced to take one of three races I don't want.
This means more happy players and thus more income for ZOS. Win win all over the place.
Usually when someone has to say 'honestly' it rings alarm bells.
Here on these forums and elsewhere on the interweb the overwhelming majority seem to favour no race / faction restrictions.
There were no such restrictions in the single-player games and many potentials ESO players would be coming to the game as a guild, with each of its members having a preferred race which might not be in the same faction.
Plus a choice of only 3 races after you or your guild has decided on a faction is a bit measly by MMO and RPG standards.
Any race, any faction didn't make sense but then again, walling off specific races for pve purposes didn't make much sense either. Some person in authority probably came up with the bright idea of any race, any faction while brainstorming for tschotchkes to throw into the pre-order bundle to boost sales.
You haven't made any convincing examples of why a Nord would fight for the Dominion, or a Redguard, Breton(I guess Bretons could be seen as sort of kin, heh), Imperial, or Argonian. The Elves basically think that they are the best suited to rule Tamriel and want to impose an Elven ruled world. It makes no sense for other races to be cool with that, except for maybe some extremely rare cases. Even residents in their own territory probably don't want to be ruled that way(do humans even live in Summerset/Valenwood?).
As for the Khajiits, aren't they only in the alliance so the Dominion don't wipe them out? I didn't think they actually supported Elven rule.
The idea of races being in one factin made no sense in the first place.
There are plenty of races spread out all throughout the world and logically you'd have them in every faction.
A [insert non-lolmer race here] is down on his luck (just thrown from the sky after escaping the clutches of Molag Bal!) is just looking to survive. He is aware of the lolmer's general attitude of superiority, but those whom he has met have so far been respectable and helpful (NPC's/questgivers). It isn't easy to get along with many lolmer, but for the time being we need each other and perhaps some day man and mer can live in harmony (rainbows and unicorns sprout up in the background)
From the lolmer's perspective: If someone else is willing to pick up a sword and fight for me, even if it is a man, who cares? I can sit back in safety (hint: using slaves/minorities for war is far from a new concept)
That's not bad. But you really think a man would march onto the battlefield and fight his own kin just because he met some helpful Elves after escaping Coldharbor?
That's like an American who ejected out of a crashing fighter plane meeting some nice and helpful Germans in WW2, so he decides to fight the War for Hitler. I apologize if that example is inappropriate, but it is the first I thought of. I just don't see non-elves supporting elf supremacy.
I love it and I know I'll use it for one or characters at least. Lorewise it makes sense, even though I see the Aldmeri Dominion issue. But they couldn't just excempt one faction from it or the outcry would have been tremendous.
Well, he can simply not engage in PvP
Lol I know that excluding one faction would be extremely unfair, and I am happier with any race any faction than with faction locks. Just discussing my only issue with it.
It depends on a number of factors. Perhaps the character doesn't have any ties/family anywhere else. Perhaps he used to live in Cyrodiil and, well, home isn't exactly a safe place to be, so doesn't have the luxury of just going back to where he came from.
The Thalmor aren't exactly represented in the best of light, but lolmer in general I doubt are hell-bent on genocide. We see plenty of lolmer in other games/factions who treat the player character quite normally.
Yes, picking up a sword in the Queen's name is quite a bit different than shopping for wares from a lolmer merchant, but I still don't think it is as black and white as some make it out to be.
I really have no problem with it, they will still be labeled as their alliance see's fit, so whats the big deal?
I just wish the races were more distinguishable in a crowd. Sometimes it was really hard to distingush races, friend from foe, at a glance while in Cyrodiil. In WoW, you can easily see the difference between a Tauren or Troll or Dwarf or Human in a split second. You could tell which class by the distinctive gear sets.
Maybe it'll be clearer when I get more familar with the different gear styles. I'll do my best to target enemy Imperials as a priority because of their snootiness in TES games. High elves too if I don't play AD and if I can easily distiguish them in a crowd.
I think you should remain in an alliance based on your race. They might be able to have people who are able to 'switch allegiances" if they undertake a quest to do so.
Otherwise it makes the alliance a little pointless if you can pick from the start.
The problem is the fear we will have tons of Nords and Argonians representing the Aldmeri, etc.
Which is understandable, but so far seem to not be an actual issue. Of all the polls I have seen, both here and on other websites, the majority of players intend on sticking to their natural faction. Even with the option to play in any race.
In most cases it seems to be "well my significant other wants to play as X..."
It's not black and white, because a characters choice of Alliance equates to their political beliefs. It's actually harder for me to believe an entire race of people ( or mer ) having the exact same political belief.