Does anybody else think....

Post » Sat Dec 11, 2010 7:54 pm

I for one do. I also believe, that they should have had someone with more experience in reviewing (like a level 8+) do a review for a game that needs to live up to the large amount of hype. (instead of a level 4 reviewer.)
What are your thoughts on this?

Link to review:
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:59 am

"There is no incentive to become a lone wolf -- there are more points for reviving a teammate than going it alone. Brink's lack of stat tracking is glaring, though. The official website holds some info, but otherwise level, kills, deaths, and successes are hidden -- those of other players too. "

I would say he wasn't really playing, or rather WANTING, to play the game in the spirit in which it was meant to be played.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat Dec 11, 2010 3:23 pm

The writer for IGN is low level. Probably not even a player. Reviews can be helpful, but you have to put it in context, too. I was going to take a look at his player profile for XBLA and PSN, but his IGN profile was enough for me to dismiss his drivel. From what I can ascertain, the game posed to much of a challenge and lacked the variety for him to maintain an interest in it. I can't help him in the skill department, but when it comes to boredom...there are no boring things, only boring people who make 'em boring. And being "boring" is a subjective term, that aphroism makes profound sense. When it comes to non-hyped games, I don't even bother with reviews. I'm able to form an opinion just fine on my own. As for the "I want to know if it's good before I spend my hard earned money" argument, rent it/GameFly.

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