I just thought: Almost every forum that I've ever been on has at least one thread about novels/authors that people are currently reading, and I never see a "I don't read books" response. So then I wondered if I was amongst a small minority of people that can't stand reading novels? I'm sure there are good ones out there, but 99% of novelists feel compelled to bog the reader down with overwhelming amounts of detail and imagery, rather then getting straight to the point. For that reason, I always visit wikipedia and read the plot synopsis of a good book that I hear about and call it a day. And lately, I've been doing the same thing with movies (although not as often). As time goes on, I feel like video games are the only satisfying medium of entertainment and everything else is just outdated.
I think you're doing it wrong then. Part of the reason you read a book is BECAUSE of all the little details and imagery that flesh out the story and make it real in your head. Perhaps you've not read the right kinds of books either, and I admit that there are authors out there who write
bad books, but it could be that you're not really reading them "right".
Doesn't mean you don't have the right to dislike them. Just saying.
As for myself I've read a sad few books since I got out of school and into the Navy. I don't have
time to read books anymore, even though I'm trying to read The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss right now. I'll have even less free time starting Monday, so much less that I'm considering just cutting out Internet altogether in order to give me more focus on other recreational things like Anime and reading and video games to enjoy my precious few minutes of relaxation a day.