Does anyne have full MP perk list + lvl upgrade bonuses?

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:49 am

cannot decide what perks to lvlup cause lvl perk bonuses are as much important as plain perk bonuses themself
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:53 pm

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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:28 am

- Air Stomp (Perform a powerful downwards attack when in the air)
2ed- No damage suffered from falling long distances
3ed- Faster recovery after Air Stomp attacks

- Proximity Alarm (Automatic warning when an enemy is nearby)
2ed- Increased warning frequency when an enemy is nearby
3ed- Maximum warning frequency when an enemy is nearby

- Armor Enhance (Reduces drain speed of energy in Armor mode)
2ed- Increases movement speed in armor mode
3ed- Protects against the Nanosuit Jammer bonus

- Threat Tracer (Highlights incoming bullet paths)
2ed- Highlights incoming grenades
3ed- Highlights nearby explosives

- Nano Recharge (Faster health recharge)
2ed- Faster suit energy recharge
3ed- Shorter delay before health starts "recharging"(what the game says)

- Detonation Delay (Delays the detonation of nearby enemy grenades)
2ed- Delays the detonation of enemy explosives
3ed- Provides an automatic defense against missile attacks

- Energy Transfer (Restores 50% energy with each kill)
2ed- Restores additional Nanosuit energy with each kill
3ed- Restores full Nanosuit energy with each kill

- Stealth Endurance (Faster transition in and out of stealth)
2ed- No shadow cast in Stealth mode
3ed- Reduces energy drain in Stealth mode

- Covert Ops (Suppresses the sound of footsteps)
2ed- Provides protection from the Ceph Airstrike bonus
3ed- Enemy footsteps are louder within range

- Cloak Tracker (Identifies when enemies enter Stealth mode nearby)
2ed- Increases the visibility of cloaked enemies
3ed- Maximum visibility of cloaked enemies

- Jammer (Scrambles the radar of enemies within a 10m range)
2ed- Provides protection against enemy Radar Jammer attacks
3ed- Scrambles the radar of enemies within an increased range

- Blind Spot (Provides protection from the Maximum Radar bonus)
2ed- Provides protection from enemy tagging
3ed- Become less visible to enemies in Nano Vision

- Tracker (Highlights the footsteps of nearby enemies)
2ed- Highlights enemy routs with direction
3ed- Highlights enemy routes with increased frequency

- Visor Enhance (Highlights enemies through weapon scopes)
2ed- Provides protection against flash bang grenades
3ed- Reduces energy cost of Nano Vision

- Side Pack (Allows an additional magazine of primary ammunition to be carried)
2ed- Allows an additional grenade or explosive to be carried
3ed- Allows additional attachment ammunition to be carried

- Weapon Pro (Faster weapon reloading)
2ed- Faster aiming down sights
3ed- Faster switching between weapons

- Aim Enhance (Decreases weapon recoil when aiming down sights)
2ed- Reduces aim shake from explosions
3ed- Increases mobility when aiming down sights

- Loadout Pro (Allows a primary weapon to be carried in place of a secondary)
2ed- Removes the weight penalty from weapon attachments
3ed- Increases mobility speed when carrying heavy weapons

- Rapid Fire (Faster fire rate on primary weapons)
2ed- Faster fire rate on secondary weapons
3ed- Faster fire rate on mounted weapons(I don't know if it is referring to HMG or weapon attachments)

- Point Fire Enhance (Reduces the spread of primary weapons when firing from the hip)
2ed- Reduces the spread of secondary weapons when shooting from the hip
3ed- Reduces the spread of mounted weapons when shooting from the hip

- Mobility Enhance (Reduces energy drain from sprinting and jumping)
2ed- Increases ledge grab speed
3ed- Faster firing after sprinting

- Retriever (Automatically collect dog tags from fallen enemies)
2ed- Support Bonuses require one less Dog Tag to activate
3ed- Support Bonuses remain active "for" longer
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:08 am

txs mate
seems most use useful are
armor - nano recharge
power - retriever
stealth? dunno. i use visor + aim enchance now, seems ill keep visor, its highlight is awesome, though stealth endurance and cloak trecker also look awesome..
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