Does anyone completely skip on fast travel?

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 9:50 pm

I only fast travel to attempt to get around bugs or "CTD spots"
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 10:30 pm

On my latest Oblivion run, I only used it for escortquest's (man, the mage guild was a pain). I did enjoy it, but it's obvious the game was built around fasttravel (again mage guild quest's where as far away from the questgiver as possible.)
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Patrick Gordon
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 8:06 am

No. I use fast-travel and I love it. Once I've been to a place and travelled along a certain route, what am I losing by taking the tedium out of the travelling equation? I keep my exploration and my trips to cities/dungeons for quests separate... and that means that I do both, but at separate times.
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Jynx Anthropic
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:54 pm

Well I think the fact that this game will be all hand crafted that it'd be a shame not to travel the entire map on foot at least twice so you don't miss anything. I often even find myself on game wiki's just to be sure that I don't miss anything too cool that may be placed out there randomly.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 2:06 am

I used to, but the game became so meh I stopped using it. Not that much of a problem in OB due horses, as long as you can afford getting new ones (Minotaur Lords and Ogres hunting down across the map when I try to simply outrun them, yuck - Jack Bauer would envy their tracking abilities). Harder to do it in FONV where I occasionally fast travel, but I prefer planning my trips so that I can do a lot of things in one place at the same time.

But I'd prefer services though if they were just there. I often see complains about using the horse and go the same way and explore nothing new. I tend to very my route, finding new things every time.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 9:56 pm

I always skipped fast travel, except, as others have also pointed out, during escort quests (bring Martin and Jauffre from Chorrol to Cloud Ruler, what a pain!). Plan on doing the same in Skyrim :)
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 8:59 am

When I'm traveling alone I never use fast travel, but if I'm trying to escort some NPC somewhere as part of a quest, I get tired of having to defend them against every mudcrab we meet along the trail, so I'll sometimes use fast travel just to get where we're going.

Same with me
Case and point martin Septim
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k a t e
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:27 am

In my first playthrough I won't use it at all. Then, it depends on how the game works: if I see that there are a lot of random things happening on the roads (trader caravans, bandit attacks) there is a good chance that I'll never use fast travel. I almost did it in Oblivion, which was supposedly less interesting in landscapes than Skyrim.
However, if a believable transport system would be included (carriages or some sort of animal like the silt striders were) I would use it pretty often for role playing purpose.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:55 am

Since fast travel will always be in and transport systems will probably not, I will hopefully get a transport mod to influence me more into exploring, or losing money. Until then, I will just try to resist the urge. Hope that at least they have most single questlines restricted to nearby areas so fast travelling doesn't have to become an absolute necessity because I have to go to the opposite side of the map 10 times in 3 guild quests, for example.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:16 am

Give me interesting landscapes, treasures, hidden entrances to caves that are not marked on any map, random encounters with bandits and quest givers and everything and I won't need fast travel ever. The thing they said about the wolf packs' behaviour may be an incentive for exploration in itself.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:45 pm

Also, if horse mounts are implemented, I will probably use that most of the time instead of fast travel.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 5:14 am

My thoughts are exactly as follows...

"So much easier to get around these days. Not like the old days. Too much walking. Of course, nothing stops M'aiq from walking when he wants."
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 10:38 pm

I'm always willing to walk everywhere and I hate the idea of fast travel. I used it quite a few times in Oblivion though because the views were too boring after a while, nothing changed in the landscape.
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Lori Joe
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 9:50 am

I'm always willing to walk everywhere and I hate the idea of fast travel. I used it quite a few times in Oblivion though because the views were too boring after a while, nothing changed in the landscape.

Does anyone else feel we were almost FORCED to use it because you had to travel so far and so often even for menial things in quests?
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 10:44 pm

Honestly, these days I never use Fast Travel. Which is strange becuase just lately I've actually been able to play a lot less than I used to. It's far more rewarding walking everywhere. It might take me a half hour session (I'll be lucky to get two of these a week) to walk from Bruma to Leyawiin and start a quest (which I'll finish in two weeks), but it's a very nice feeling of progression. Despite not taking the time to be "immersed" I actually feel far more connected to my character this time, and the world.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 12:15 am

The only time I use (and REALLY appreciate) fast travel is when I'm dumping loot or when I have to retrace my steps for a quest. I did this the other night. Initially I ran from point A to point B, killing beasts, bandits and gathering alchemy items, but then fast-traveled back to A - really no point in walking it again when everything is still dead and barren. On the other hand, if I pass some time doing stuff around point B, I'll walk back to A, since the content has had time to regenerate.

I won't hesitate to run across the entire map if I need to. In fact, I enjoy the journey. :smile:
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 7:34 am

Quite often I'll go for hours at a time running or at least riding on horseback everywhere I go. I've come across a lot of cool things by doing this that I would have otherwise missed by just using fast travel. Not going to lie, eventually it gets old but I try to cover as much ground on foot as possible. It just gives me a much more emersive feel by doing it this way, even just hint along the way or collecting ingredients is pretty cool. How about you guys? Anyone else who likes to do this on a regular basis?

It's immersive not emersive.
Nope, only walk a route on foot once. Then it's fast travel whenever I need to repeat it.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 5:38 am

In OB i fastraveled a lot, mainly because I didn't have much of a choice. The world was designed around it. So, in Skyrim i'd prefer walking /riding everywhere, if the game doesn't punish me for it, but so far it seems it's still the OB system. that said, maybe a more interesting landscape will make it easier
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 4:18 am

Does anyone else feel we were almost FORCED to use it because you had to travel so far and so often even for menial things in quests?
Not me; but as I would use it same as not... I might not notice if it felt forced.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 5:09 am

I've always seen fast travel as an optional thing. I personally think its a handy option. There are times where I have played through the entire questline + factions without even using it once. Other times when I am in a hurry and use it often. Even in Daggerfall (Which by the way has a much better fast travel system than Oblivion) I have been known to go the extra mile and walk from town to town. Doing that truly makes you appreciate that fast travel is there. I don't really see why people are burdened by fast travel.
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 1:25 am

I mostly walk and/or run because I enjoy it and you never know what might happen. I'm never against using fast travel though and if it feels tedious to walk, I'll fast travel. It's a game and I'm managing it and how I feel about the gameplay. It keeps it fun for me. :)
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Anna Watts
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:39 pm

The only time I use (and REALLY appreciate) fast travel is when I'm dumping loot or when I have to retrace my steps for a quest. I did this the other night. Initially I ran from point A to point B, killing beasts, bandits and gathering alchemy items, but then fast-traveled back to A - really no point in walking it again when everything is still dead and barren.

Exactly. I've never really seen the purpose in trudging back and forth across cleared areas for the heck of it. There's always new areas to walk, that you haven't yet traveled across. Why waste time with stuff you've already seen & done?
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CArlos BArrera
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 6:45 pm

In OB i fastraveled a lot, mainly because I didn't have much of a choice. The world was designed around it. So, in Skyrim i'd prefer walking /riding everywhere, if the game doesn't punish me for it, but so far it seems it's still the OB system. that said, maybe a more interesting landscape will make it easier

I have never understood why anyone would feel forced to use fast travel. Or why they would think they could not just, you know, walk instead. I don't doubt that you feel this way but I just can't imagine why. I always felt that is't my game and how I play it is nobody else's concern. If I want to walk everywhere I go prior to using fast travel I can and I do. It has no effect on anyone else. There is nobody standing there telling me to fast travel or bite the bullet. If I want to walk around and look pick flowers or bring up the map and click on the next town because my character is weary and needs the rest I just do so and play my game how I please.

But then I am notorious for making self restricting rules at the onset of my game. My first time through Oblivion I did not allow myself to use fast travel until the entire map was uncovered and I didn't allow my character to waste animal products. So if she killed 10 wolves she had to walk to the nearest town and sell the pelts before she became over encumbered or leave them as an offering at one of the alters.

But yeah, it's a single player game which doesn't force you to even complete the first quest if you don't want to much less force you to use the fast travel system. :shrug:

I feel like I've lost my ability to be emphatic on this issue. :(
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Tue May 03, 2011 3:17 am

I have never understood why anyone would feel forced to use fast travel. Or why they would think they could not just, you know, walk instead. I don't doubt that you feel this way but I just can't imagine why. I always felt that is't my game and how I play it is nobody else's concern. If I want to walk everywhere I go prior to using fast travel I can and I do. It has no effect on anyone else. There is nobody standing there telling me to fast travel or bite the bullet. If I want to walk around and look pick flowers or bring up the map and click on the next town because my character is weary and needs the rest I just do so and play my game how I please.

But then I am notorious for making self restricting rules at the onset of my game. My first time through Oblivion I did not allow myself to use fast travel until the entire map was uncovered and I didn't allow my character to waste animal products. So if she killed 10 wolves she had to walk to the nearest town and sell the pelts before she became over encumbered or leave them as an offering at one of the alters.

But yeah, it's a single player game which doesn't force you to even complete the first quest if you don't want to much less force you to use the fast travel system. :shrug:

I feel like I've lost my ability to be emphatic on this issue. :(

Aight. I'll lay it out for you then :) (Very nice post btw).

First off, granted this is still fast-travel but what people are usually asking for, is a transit system. Some of us would like a system that makes but still allows us not to walk everywhere. Morrowind did a great job wth this, and some of us feel that Oblivions teleportation with the added "you just walked there offscreen" was really weak.

Now to the actual why I'd feel forced to fast-travel. Let's take a look at oblivion. Many quests were placed in the other side of the world so you'd have to walk extremely far, because the game was BASED around the teleportation style system. Add in the bland landscape of oblivion and you've got some really really boring runs if you were to walk. Now in Morrowind they also sometimes had quests in distant lands, but here, as I mentioned earlier, you had a logical and somewhat immersion transit system and allowed you to get somewhat near the area you had to be in.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 8:49 pm

I generally explore the world first. And once I am content with what I have discovered (or get bored with just walking from place to place) I will begin the all so loved "fast travel". It will be no different in Skyrim.
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