I recently started my playthrough as 2h Warrior, Imperial, and ofcourse joining the Imperial Army. However, the more I think about it, the less appealing this special fraction seems to be: You′re a full time member of a highly administrated organisation, not a wannabe-Mercenery-Party like the Companions (aka Fighters′Guild). So you actually lose any freedom in exploring the world Roleplaying-wise.
You may find this odd? Let me explain.
As soldier (and that′s what you are when you join the Imperial Army), you have duties. You must obey orders. If you′re commanding officer orders you to bring an IMPORTANT message to the Jarl of Whiterun, you [censored] have to do this at once, not tomorrow, not next week, not next month after you have crawled your way through 10 different dungeons on your personal money-making-mission. While you could perhaps explain to yourself why you might take a break from Legion′s duties and do some dungeon-crawling instead, the rushed nature of the Imperial Legion′s quests makes it effectivly impossible to do anything else before you have finished every quest: Every new Quest you accept has an urgent background: "Go to the Jarl of Whiterun with this message. Ask him for the permession to send some Imperial troops in his town, because Ulfric IS ABOUT TO ATTACK THE CITY. Yeah, if you do clear some dungeons before that, or do some Companion-Quests, well...Whiterun may fall in the meantime and guess who′s to blame." Same goes for the "retake Fort XY"-Quests. There′s always the phrase "urgent, important, don′t delay: We are waiting JUST for you!" hanging around, in most cases even outspoken by Tillius or Rikken.
The matther of fact is, this is good for the pure "I′m a loyal Soldier-"Immersion, but bad for the "I′m a soldier, but still want to do things on my own like exploring some dungeons"-type of immersion.
Maybe I took the wrong approach when I decided to join the Imperials, as I′am more the adventurer.
Does anyone feel the same?