So Does Anyone Else Find This Game Disappointing?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:37 pm

Seriously, the first one (and Warhead) are my favorite games of all time. I was expecting to be amazed with Crysis 2 (well I was a little skeptical with it being in New York and on consoles, but I thought Crytek would be able to pull it off). I really don't care much for Graphics, but shouldn't the game be progressing in Graphics? This game looks worse when compared to the first one. I was also hoping for mod support (and the dev console unlocked for that matter). Where's the manual save? What kind of PC game doesn't have manual save? The nanosuit 2 feels like a giant downgrade from the first one. I didn't care for the story as much as the first one either (why are the aliens suddenly so much different than the first one?). Maybe someone should get onto making the leaked version's sandbox (and other features) compatible with the retail because I really feel that, if the community had the chance, we could make Crysis 2 much better than what Crytek gave us.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:54 am

*glances at forums*

Yeah, pretty much everyone's disappointed. I'm glad I didn't buy it :D
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David Chambers
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:57 pm

i dont doubt we could make crysis 2 more awesome
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:34 pm

I disagree. I think crytek wanted to make crysis 2 more accessable to the general public. Futureproofing crysis 1 only allowed certain people to play the game when it was released. With crysis 2 anyone with a lower end computer can play the game. I think we should be grateful. Who said that they had to release on the PC anyway. Why couldnt they just make it a console shooter. Yes I think there are downgrades but in some other ways they have pushed the boundary. Most shooters i have played have been terrible at 3d. I found crysis to be done extremely well for the 3d element.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:14 am

if you played the original crysis and compared it to crysis 2, you'll figure out crysis 2 is a console limited game. it does not explore the possibilities of what a pc can do. what boundaries have they pushed? nothing new here seen except for optimization and better frame rates but thats about it.

pc gaming dont need to be dumbed down for teh consoles. there are advanced options for a reason, so pc gamers can fine tune their game to the level they are comfortable with, which is unfortunately lacking in this game. not only in graphics, but physics, AI, destruction and everything else.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:06 pm

Pretty much everyone who was a fan of Crysis and Warhead is maximum disappoint.

I'm sure 360 owners are pleased as punch, though.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:18 am

I find MP full of cheaters pretty disappointing. But single player is good.
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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:20 pm

Depending on the graphics settings you use, it looks about the same as the first. I used med shaders and shadows in Crysis and it wasn't just due to lag. I never liked the heavy over use of ambient lighting with high shaders. With everything set to max, it looks even more strange in Crysis 2. If you're indoors looking out a window there will be a fuzzy glow because of the poorly done HDR. It almost looks like dot crawl from a bad sharpening filter. On med shadows and shaders though it looks every bit as good to me as Crysis did with those settings.

Mod/tweaking support in general IS poor. Lots of the commands I've tried aren't recognized even with the console restrictions lifted (con_restricted=0), and the -Devmode switch is useless. No Sandbox 3 editor either.

I don't miss saves so much, because the game is far too easy unless you play without cloak and suppressors, but I DID have one incident where I had to replay a mission because I got trapped under falling debris. The warehouse in Lab Rat where the chopper crashes into the building left me stuck under the falling steel frame work.

The nanosuit if anything in this one is too powerful. Armor mode is FAR more effective than the prior gen suits, it adds thermal vision, and with upgrades cloak drains VERY slowly compared to the prior gen suits. The most absurd thing about the suit being too powerful though is you can stay cloaked even while firing a silenced pistol or rifle. The ONLY place the suit is weaker is in Strength, now called "Power" mode, you can't jump as high and objects don't seem to toss as far either. The new slide is kinda cool, but I rarely use it and have never actually used air stomp, which is hard to pull off from what I've read/seen and leaves you vulnerable.

The story is a bit detached from the first and leaves a lot unexplained, like what happened to Prophet when he went AWOL and why the aliens are so different. It would help if they'd make an expansion like they did with Warhead and have a parallel story to tie it in playing as Prophet.

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:59 pm

I disagree. I think crytek wanted to make crysis 2 more accessable to the general public. Futureproofing crysis 1 only allowed certain people to play the game when it was released. With crysis 2 anyone with a lower end computer can play the game. I think we should be grateful. Who said that they had to release on the PC anyway. Why couldnt they just make it a console shooter. Yes I think there are downgrades but in some other ways they have pushed the boundary. Most shooters i have played have been terrible at 3d. I found crysis to be done extremely well for the 3d element.
Well when you're using the title "Crysis 2" it seems pretty appropriate to release it on the platform that "Crysis" was originally made for. That would be like releasing Halo for the PS3 and PC and leaving the Xbox without it (not a perfect comparison but you get the idea). I think pretty much everyone can play the first Crysis at some setting now. They should have at least made the graphics as good as the first one (in my opinion they are not). I can't say I've played it in 3d, so I can't judge that aspect of the game. I understand that some elements have to be changed to accommodate the console players (why'd the nanosuit change though, couldn't us pc players use an xbox controller with the first game?), but I really felt like the game didn't feel at all like the first one. The first one gave us freedom to do as we pleased (speaking on the mod side and the sandbox feel of the game). This one is seriously lacking that aspect. They could've given everyone an editor (released it on the pc to be used with PC, PS3, and Xbox by connecting the console to our PCs). Or they could've given us the sandbox and consolers something comparable to Halo's forge. As far as the sandbox goes, it really feels like Crytek completely failed on what they called the "cinematic sandbox" part of the game. To me it feels like the whole "Crysis" experience is gone. Only a few parts of the game are similar in the slightest to the first one. I can't say I've ever played a sequel that has been more different than the first one (unless of course they were only sequels in name like Far Cry 2 and Red Steel 2). In my opinion Crytek decided to make a completely new game and cash out on the "Crysis" name us PC players used to hold so high.
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David Chambers
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 6:46 pm

^ what he said about the "Crysis feel is gone."

Crysis 2 feels just like Resistance, Fall of Man.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:48 pm

I'm starting to wonder how many of these Crysis 2 fanbboys work for, or are in other ways affiliated with Crytek.
For me as a PC-gamer this game is one of the biggest letdowns in the history of PC-gaming.
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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:14 am

...why'd the nanosuit change though...I'm still curious as to why you think the new suit is a big downgrade to the first? If anything it's too powerful. It's like an uber cheat now.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:34 am

...why'd the nanosuit change though...I'm still curious as to why you think the new suit is a big downgrade to the first? If anything it's too powerful. It's like an uber cheat now.
I don't know. I just don't like how it controls now. Maybe I just got so used to the first one that this new one bothers me. The lack of speed bothers me a lot too. I hate how running takes energy (especially because its a normal person run). It didn't really feel like uber cheat to me. Maybe I'm just better with the first suit. In my opinion the first one was more balanced.
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Rach B
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:55 pm

Just like all successful devs, once Crytek made the difference on PC they could sit back and sell their name. Crytek's days as a glorious dev are gone. Next time any of these devs make anything else but burger games is in some other company.

FarCry was awesome, C1 was the **** best.
C2 became their first money making spinoff.

I feel ripped off, but I can think the money as funeral tribute to gamedev I liked most.
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james kite
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:07 am

I DO NOT find this game disappointing... the ONLY thing I find to be a problem is the servers being messed up- the demo worked GREAT, and the Release MP FAILED.

Why? I don't understand ONE BIT how that happened....
Otherwise I just finished beating the game yesterday, THOROUGHLY impressed! Still impressed by MP, it's just as an American from Detoit has to connect to german servers with 110-180 ping is killing it...
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:58 pm

I'm starting to wonder how many of these Crysis 2 fanbboys work for, or are in other ways affiliated with Crytek.
For me as a PC-gamer this game is one of the biggest letdowns in the history of PC-gaming.

Yeah, me too.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:17 pm

I never played the first Crysis, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the campaign and a little bit of MP on Crysis2. The game looks like a dream since I never followed up on its progress upon release.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:13 am

crysis 2 is awsome but it has it ups and downs like the first crysis wich ran so horrible and had such a bad story <------------------- se what i did there...................................

the thing is crysis 2 is better than the first in some ways but crysis 1 is better in some others get over yourselvs haters.
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Etta Hargrave
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 8:34 pm

crysis 2 is awsome but it has it ups and downs like the first crysis wich ran so horrible and had such a bad story <------------------- se what i did there...................................

the thing is crysis 2 is better than the first in some ways but crysis 1 is better in some others get over yourselvs haters.
I'm not a hater. I just feel like I got more out of the first Crysis and there is no excuse for them, in my opinion, completely destroying what made Crysis, well, Crysis.
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:50 am

With a okay PC, C2 is the only game i can think of at the moment that actually look worse then the game it is suposed to be a second of. It is also infected with some extreamly iritating fetures like forinstance that you are unable to save the game when you wish to do so not to mension the stupidly short and very limited levels. sure i will play the game to the finish now when the flicker problem is more or less solved, mind you, Crytec hasnt fixed it, desperate gamers has. Yes i play the game finish and then probably play the original Game/v. exp once more. S*it
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lacy lake
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:49 pm

Short answer: No.

Long answer: No, not disappointed with C2.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:19 pm

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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:50 pm

I'm disappointed (mostly at lack of graphics options and the mediocre physics), but it's still a good game... I think the modding community will help to make this game a lot more like the first Crysis. :)
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:31 pm

Seriously, the first one (and Warhead) are my favorite games of all time. I was expecting to be amazed with Crysis 2 (well I was a little skeptical with it being in New York and on consoles, but I thought Crytek would be able to pull it off). I really don't care much for Graphics, but shouldn't the game be progressing in Graphics? This game looks worse when compared to the first one. I was also hoping for mod support (and the dev console unlocked for that matter). Where's the manual save? What kind of PC game doesn't have manual save? The nanosuit 2 feels like a giant downgrade from the first one. I didn't care for the story as much as the first one either (why are the aliens suddenly so much different than the first one?). Maybe someone should get onto making the leaked version's sandbox (and other features) compatible with the retail because I really feel that, if the community had the chance, we could make Crysis 2 much better than what Crytek gave us.

in a single word..........EXTREMELY!
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:29 pm

No, it's freakin' amazing.
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