First thing's first;
Skyrim is without a doubt in my mind (and imho), the greatest video-gaming experience currently in existence.
I try to think of other video games that have had a similar effect on my life, and I tend to come up short (other Bethesda games coming up pretty darn close) - believe it or nor, I tend to not actually spend much time at all playing games, with SKYRIM being a massive exception. Remember that this is simply my personal opinion.
That being said, I don't think anyone is naive enough to suggest that this game is bug free (perhaps a vast understatement).
Only relatively recently, after thousands of hours of gameplay, have I started to notice the one thing that exhausts me about playing Skyrim:
The amount of time I spend trying to plan out my character's actions in order to avoid potential glitches - game-breaking/immersion-breaking - is kind of ludicrous.
I realized how hard it is for me to simply play the game and relax through my character's progression, because things are always occurring to me like "make sure to do that quest before that one, otherwise that quest becomes unfinishable" or "never pick up that book because it will stay in your inventory" or "don't go into that dungeon before being given the official quest to do so or else respawing issues."
Those are only a few of MANY examples.
I tend to feel like I can barely leave Breezehome without planning my actions and ensuring that there are no bugs associated with them.
Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, and it speaks volumes about Skyrim considering that I am forever willing to labor through these motions for it,
but I was simply curious as to whether or not anyone else shares this exhaustion. And if anyone has tips on how to manage such things in-game, they would be much appreciated
It's also worth noting that I am on Xbox 360, so 'unofficial patches' as well as mods are not options for me sadly.