I find myself in a rut right now with Morrowind Modding, I find myself not really feeling like working on my WIPs lately, Has anyone else ever been through this?
Sigh - oh yes
Sometimes modding feels too much like work - especially when you're dealing with lots of files or dialogue trees - and if you havea big project sometimes the end seens months if not years away
Do you have much work to go on your WIPs?
When I've got into a rut I've tried gritting my teeth and carrying on regardless but somehow it's like there is a war is going on between the creative right hand side of my brain and the logical left
The left hand side of my brain keeps writing down lists of to do things on my mod and uses my concience to beat me up with if I miss a deadline - whereas the right hand side rebels against such structured monotony and says hey if you won't just let me do what I want then I'm shutting down and going to the forums to look at the screenshot thread or the MGE thread to get inspired again

In the end modding is just a hobby right? And hobbies are all about the fun of learning new things and becoming skillful - over Xmas when I was in a modding rut I went and played tennis nearly every day for a month - which was way more healthy and I developed a wicked backhand shot - though I'm thinking of modding my racquet now