» Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:38 pm
I miss it a lot , but like said some people , the rate of decay should be much slower than in other Betheseda games
And i also miss having to drink , eat and not be able to fast travel ( unless you ave a teleport scroll ) , it's far from too much realism , it's just more immersion in your character 's role playing , which is why they put sleep , diseases and other features that affect your character
At the end of the day , it depends what people do in a rpg , the pc crowd "generally speaking " is more into roleplaying , the console crowd is more about action and "console" type of gameplay with minimal stuffs to manage , so it's not suprising the issue will be divisive
IMHO , once again , we'll have to wait for the PC modding community to improve and add the immersive features that Bethesda didn't have time to add , or perhaps did not think it would affect the sales if it wasn't in the game