» Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:05 am
The only problem with doing that is that you are locked into the particular skills you improved, and the gear you picked up, during that one run-through of the tutorial. If you're a role-player, that might not be what you want.
For example, one skill that is easily advanced to Apprentice during the tutorial is Sneak. That's great if you're planning a sneaky character, but not so great if your next character is going to be an Orc warrior in heavy armor. Likewise, that Orc might be picking up the heavy armor during the tutorial, but if your next character is going to be a Breton mage, you're likely over-encumbered.
It's not a big deal, obviously, but if one is planning to make multiple characters from that kind of save, one might plan carefully, and do a little bit of everything during the tutorial.