I've been boggling over this for quite a few hours now.
I'm trying to find a way to discover when npc's are hidden while running the SetSceneIsComplex command. Reason, is to effectively disable them via script - and reason for that - a terrible bug with Oblivion has cropped up using this command. When you load a save which contains a bunch of these guys that were hidden while running SetSceneIsComplex .. oh wow talk about issues, from crashes, to bodies appearing and flying alover the place, to bodies showing up with abnormal visual anomalies (bodies look like stretch armstrong after he had been abused severely)..
I've tried GetDestyroyed, returns nothing. I'm about to try IsContainer, likely wont work either..
I really have no idea what the heck Oblivion is doing to these guys when they disappear, but I cant seem to find a way to detect when it happens.
Any ideas are welcome. I'm on the threshold of advising people not to load a save game during this 'scene', nor directly after it, and I seem to have no choice at this point. The command must be used, it drastically reduces the lag during a large scale battle.
(I've searched here on the forums, and even googled the command, no info regarding it apart from the general info on the wiki)
/edit -
Cannot use GetInCell, as the player may have led multitudes of the enemy into a different adjacent cell then where they started
IsContainer does not work on even dead npc's apparently.. Returns nothing either way.
Also had tried an onLoad script on all actors in the battle, which if dead, would force a disable on them. Seems the disable command will not work in an OnLoad script, and did nothing. This was an attempt to just make them not show at all on save game load during/after the battle scene. This also caused performance issues and some odd bugs having an OnLoad script on every character when moving into the battle scene, and had to be removed anyhow.
Again.. any ideas truly welcome.