» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:20 am
I chose this forum to mention it, because of the connection to the M'aiq of Oblivion, and yes, I do recall someone five years ago on the pre-release Oblivion forum who was handing them out fairly often. What's funny is that I also spent time in the Morrowind forums back when that game was still in its original surge of popularity, and I hardly ever saw them given out. I think someone today mentioned that initially, Captain Whosis / Whatever was rewarding special type events / posts. But no matter how I tried to like that game, I just couldn't ever handle the extended tutorial-like boredom of its beginning segments.
I finished Arena back in its day, and replayed it a number of times. I "played at" Daggerfall quite a lot, in spite of how buggy it was, even after patching, but never finished it.
Ever since Might & Magic VI, I've longed for another game I might want to replay a dozen or more times, like that one. There has never been another, for me, especially none of those from New World after that one (I've never been a Strategy Game fan, not turn-based, nor Real Time, so "Heroes of Might & Magic" was not my thing).