does anyone see flashes of landscape?

Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:55 pm

I always thought skyrim was perfect before most patches. I think this weird half see through the ground half blue pixel trees glitch could be caused by a patch i downloaded a long time ago but i didnt keep track. Its called a glitch somewhere so i dont know, if it cant be fixed this blows. on a 360 and when i look or move it flashes random landscape outside. please help I'm only happy when killing trolls. (in skyrim)

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Post » Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:22 pm

The game was far from perfect before the patches, but I will agree that there are a few things that are worse now. The patches have introduced additional glitches in addition to fixing some of the previously existing ones.

These graphical issues that you are describing shouldn't be happening very often. The graphics flicker and the landscapes sometimes can be seen through on my game too, but this is only on rare occasions. One thing that may cause this is if your HDD is low on memory. Do you have the 4 GB slim model by chance? If so, you need an external HDD or some other external memory source that is certified by Microsoft. Skyrim requires a lot of free HDD space (preferably more than 10 GB) to cache game data properly, even though this is not specified on the game packaging (or via Xbox Live download) by the developers.If you have plenty of free space on your HDD, you may want to try re-installing everything (the main game, the latest patch, and any DLCs) to see if it makes a difference. from the dashboard can also help in some cases.

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