Does anyone think Dark Brotherhood look silly in skyrim?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:40 pm

Honestly I liked how The Db weren't Physco Cult people like they were in Oblivion
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:48 pm

Honestly I liked how The Db weren't Physco Cult people like they were in Oblivion

the psyco cult seemed more succesful.
i enjoyed it more
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:26 am

They're a bunch of assassins. and their clothes look very practical for that.

Why should they care how they look anyway?


If you were expecting anything other than practical and tight-fitting clothes with a group of shadow-mongering assassins, than you were expecting an entirely different kind of organization.
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:09 am

I love how the "offical Prima strategy guide" shows the assassin class wearing the Nightengale Armor on page 27. So even the offical authors thought the DB armor was ...well.... ugly?
I have kept my Nightengale armor (did thieves questline first) before I started and finished the DB questline...and am lvl 37 now and it still serves me well.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:16 pm

Yeah I wish it didn't look like someone just painted the cloths onto me, and the mask doesn't even appear for my character. Does anyone know if this is a glitch or just some strange assassin prejudice against having stubble?
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:44 pm

In terms of just "how cool it looks", oblivion's outfit was cool enough... Skyrim's suit is a bit silly and I too don't like the red colors.

But what bothers me in both oblivion and skyrim....and assassin's creed series for that matter, is that it basically cries "HEY LOOK AT ME I ARE ASSASSIN!"

I can imagine it would be practical for once the night falls and everyone is asleep, it would be good to sneak around target to your mark. However, for traveling I kinda feel forced to carry around a regular leather armor or something and wear it. I can't suspend my disbelief that i can prance around a town without standing out like a sore thumb.

I'd like if you got some sort of way to enchant whichever armor you like with the same enchants as the set gives you, or at least have a spell or something that would disguise you, something like a reverse Mask of the Nocturnal from Oblivion's Grey Fox. Something that would kinda make you a diferent entity while you wear it but would fade away on combat or anything that adds a bounty.

I do have to agree that assasin's use anything to kill their mark. Disguising themselves as an emissary, courier, bard or whatever is very very clever. One of my favorite missions from oblivion's db quest is the one in skingrad where you have to blend in with the croud and kill every single one of them. I was so thrilled when i actually killed all but the last one by turning them on eachother or something. Good times.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:46 pm

I just wished they played a bigger role than they actually do. But I loved the quest line

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Ben sutton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:50 pm

Lol yes.

I use the DB headgear (Forget what its called)


Knightingale armor , greaves & boots.

The combination looks good

Yup I am using the same combination :foodndrink:

@op yes the DB gear (except the hood) looks like crap.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:59 pm

Yeah I wish it didn't look like someone just painted the cloths onto me, and the mask doesn't even appear for my character. Does anyone know if this is a glitch or just some strange assassin prejudice against having stubble?

I'm playing a man and the mouth cover doesn't appear for me either. I'm still not sure if it's a glitch?

What I also noticed is that the Knife strap from the waist to the shoulder doesn't appear on my character or the Argonian, yet it appears on the female armor and the armor of the Dunmer guy on the loading screen.

With that said, I do think the armor looks great on the Women. The Men would be better off with something like a black version of the Thieves guild armor, but no pualdrons and instead of a hood, just a black mouth cover. I think that would look awesome!
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:05 am

I don't mind the shrouded armour in Skyrim. It sure as hell beats the Nightingale batman outfit.

Lol no.

The only bad thing about Nightingale armour is the cape, everything is bad about the DB armour.

and, once again @above.. the clothes are not practical, they're tight leather. Tight leather is not conducive to freedom of movement.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:33 pm

Yep, it's a bug.

Regardless of whether the covered or non-covered hood is being used there is no cowl present in the meshes for males of any race. [1]
The when worn by beast races the hood may lack a cowl regardless of gender. (Needs confirmation).
- from the wiki.

I'd even add that the buckle going across the chest doesn't appear on the men either.

The only bad thing about Nightingale armour is the cape, everything is bad about the DB armour.

Eh, I think it would look stupid with the hood on and no cape. If the cape was made to look more like a cloak, then it'd be cooler. All the cool adventures have cloaks.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:54 pm

Honestly I liked how The Db weren't Physco Cult people like they were in Oblivion

agreed. i like the skyrim DB members better but i definitely like the oblivion DB quests much more.

as far as armor goes i think its a bit silly that there is any DB armor to begin with. its supposed to be a super secretive group of assassins. there is a reason special forces guys in afghanistan grow long bears and often walk around in local outfits. if you want to fit in you DONT wear an obvious uniform.

@faamecanic your going to find alot of misinformation in those "official" strategy guides which is why are completely useless and a waste of money especially since you can find everything on the net these days for free. about all their good for is bathroom reading material.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:08 pm

Well, they could have made the outfit a bit less visible... maybe a led and Neon trimmed, wearable A-Frame sign reading "Not an assassin" .
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:53 pm

They looked the best in Morrowind, texture/model detail not with-standing.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:24 pm

I think that the Dark Brotherhood light armor was the only decent looking armor in Oblivion. Nothing else really fit properly. A shame it would expire so quickly. Actually, that was a huge problem with Oblivion. Characters looked ugly. Male characters, female characters, all fugly. Didn't matter what they were wearing, freaking ugly.
Actually, the Knights of the Nine armor looked okay, even if it did completely obscure your armor.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:16 pm

agreed. i like the skyrim DB members better but i definitely like the oblivion DB quests much more.

as far as armor goes i think its a bit silly that there is any DB armor to begin with. its supposed to be a super secretive group of assassins. there is a reason special forces guys in afghanistan grow long bears and often walk around in local outfits. if you want to fit in you DONT wear an obvious uniform.

I like having a uniform for stealth, I just wished it look cooler. There are times I like to wear normal clothes and times I like to wear some armor. It would have been cool had they added some more interesting quest where you were required to wear normal street clothes and then some where your required to represent the guild by wearing the armor or Black Hand robes which need to be brought back.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:53 am

I started out wearing all their armor pieces. I really like the head cover, covers up her face halfway in front making her look like a bad girl. Plus, she's an assassin/ thief/bow user, I think that headcover has + 20% damage for bows.

Within a few days, I'm mixing armor pieces. She's a light armor user, and today I found a pair of gauntlets - heavy armor - but she's wearing it because it has a "plus 25% damage for bow" enchant.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:27 am

I personally liked the dark brotherhood armor on my female assassin.

My male one though? Not so much.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:56 am

I started out wearing all their armor pieces. I really like the head cover, covers up her face halfway in front making her look like a bad girl. Plus, she's an assassin/ thief/bow user, I think that headcover has + 20% damage for bows.

Within a few days, I'm mixing armor pieces. She's a light armor user, and today I found a pair of gauntlets - heavy armor - but she's wearing it because it has a "plus 25% damage for bow" enchant.

I think I also found a bug/exploit...

If you equip the Nightengale hood first, then the DB shrouded hood (In THIS order..if you do it the other way it will unequip the other) can wear BOTH. Kinda glad you can do this as I also play a Thief/Assassin specializing in Bow. So I love the look of the Nightengale hood (those Blue specks for eyes and no facial features is too cool.... but could care less for the illusion bonus).
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KIng James
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:32 pm

They're a bunch of assassins. and their clothes look very practical for that.

Why should they care how they look anyway?

what if they want to blend in to society

they cant looking like that
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