Assassins don't normally kill people with just stealth, they kill them with also camoflage and deceit.
This is what the Dark Brotherhood apparel lacks and the fact that it's so obvious that people who see it- should be on high alert.
I would have expected the outfit to identify as a member of the brotherhood, but at the same time: be practical and not stand out.
However such ideals do not seep into the minds of concept artists who create such outfit sets, so we shall never get such armour.
Definitely agree. And not to mention in a cold climate like Skyrim it'd also lack the furs needed to keep warm while on a chase through the enviroment.
Perhaps in the next TES they'll think 'practical' over design. Pitch black apparel in the middle of an Elsweyr desert would be just plain wrong in so many ways.
I'm hoping somebody will eventually take a page out of the 'Assassin's Creed' book in the sense that Altair's clothing was made to camouflage them amongst the religious scholars of the time, and actually results in one of said scholars being falsely identified as an assassin and killed because of it. Granted, the disguise loses some of its effectiveness when you're the only monk openly carrying a sword, but it's the attention to the fact that assassin's are supposed to walk freely among the people to be truly effective, which makes it such a good design. On that basis the DB armour should look more like the standard leather armour worn by many NPCs, but with small tweaks such as the addition of pouches for carrying poisons, and the removal of the protective pauldrons which might inhibit free movement. Of course we shouldn't forget that there should also be a hood which covers the identity of the wearer without making them obvious in their intention of not being seen.
Imo not only would that give the armour an awesome home-made look, but would also serve both to identify and disguise DB members.
but then again.. that's just my opinion.