One thing that's always bugging me is why do we have all these Dragon Priest barrows, Dwemer free-holds but no Falmer cities/ruins?
I mean, you'd think something would exist SOMEWHERE in Skyrim. (The one in Dawnguard doesn't count.)
One thing that's always bugging me is why do we have all these Dragon Priest barrows, Dwemer free-holds but no Falmer cities/ruins?
I mean, you'd think something would exist SOMEWHERE in Skyrim. (The one in Dawnguard doesn't count.)
Agreed. The Falmer architecture in the Forgotten Vale has got to be some of the most beautiful I've seen... What little remains of it that is... The Chantry was amazing. And that statue of Auri-El...
Even if most could have been destroyed by the Nords, you would think that some outliers would still exist, somewhat untouched. I only ever encountered anything Falmer-related underneath the Dwarven ruins.
I thought the op was referring to ancient Falmeri ruins. Not the current ones the Betrayed made with Chaurus exoskeletons.
Correct. I don't mean the Betrayed, I mean the TRUE Falmer.