Does anything productive happen on these forums?

Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:49 am

So i came back to crysis after a pretty long break (8 months to a year) and met up with some old friends just hoping they still remembered me and they tell me to check out the forums so i say "yea sure i'll check it out." When i get here, all i see is a bunch of hate. People are arguing whenever they find the chance and never miss an opportunity to insult someone else. We hate Noobified for being a better individual, we hate S2K for being a better clan, we hate Mike for hating,and we hate everyone else just for the sake of hating. Am i missing anything or is that about right? And do we ever help anyone out while we're coming coming up with "clever" insults? Before i left, it was about having fun, now it's all about making clans rage because we cant accept that they're better than some of us. I've only been on the forums for about a day so i might be wrong but so far, that's all i see happening.
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Chloe :)
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 1:34 pm

i Agree, all i have to say.
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:48 am

It's like moving to Florida in the middle of a Tropical storm. You can't base perception on what it's like during a category 5. Florida is a beautiful place, with great people, sunny weather most of the year, awesome nightlife (Miami yo!), and pretty girls (dont tell my wife I said that), and Disney Land, actually forget that last one...

So don't judge this forum based on a few tumultuous days. Great things have happened here, and there is a method to my madness. I was a big part of curtailing the excessive use of C4 in clan matches. I believe it's now time to shine a big bright light on shamers. Indeed, they will be moving down the list of US BEST players, unless the can prove that they are above mere exploitation of a glitched perk. It's sickening to see people with 100 gamerscore (only from Crysis new account), come back to abuse the S2K Formula of success. S2K= Shame Enhance 2 Kill. It's successful and it's broken. I played with Corroded a 1st tier player for a while on Friday, and he struggled without AIM ENHANCE, but the matches he put it on it was Top-3/ MVP most matches. It's time for change people. It's time to evolve our games and move past this exploitation, the same way we moved past the C4.

And Bulls I never said that S2K could not be beaten, but take someone like Noobified who frequently joins on them with his MAXIMUM BS ACTIVATED combined with the artifically long time one can stay alive pushing left right left right left right left right, with AE3 felines, and you got a real problem there.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 3:50 pm

Actually these forums are the "engine room" where all the magic happens. Its your pointless thread that destracts from the work being done here. If you just wanted to rant on about Noobified than heres a quick and simple solution for you : Grab an Oreo cookie, twist the top off and place it sunny side up on Noobified bullocks and dangle yourself till the cows come home!!...once your finished that, Call Widda and make him jealous, than collect yourself and click that red button down in the corner that says "Like".

Bon Voyage!!

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Joie Perez
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:00 am

Why do we hate aim enhance? "Shame Enhance" is among the worst of my perks. Mike, we played a few matches together a few weeks ago and i couldn't even get a 2.0 in any of the matches we played because i was using aim enhance. I just can't use it effectively. But S2K knows how to use it effectively and we hate them for it. "They run around with the same 3 perks and 1 gun." I always run around with the same 3 perks and 1 gun too but nobody's complaining about stealth enhance, mobility enhance, proxy alarm, or the marshal. With that loadout, strafing has no effect on me. S2K can't strafe me so once i'm in range there's a 60-80% chance i'll kill them (unless there's another one there). Noobified can't strafe me so he jumps circles around me. I've adapted to the way S2K plays and Noobified adapted to the way i play so, Mike, why can't you adapt? Why do we refuse to adapt then choose to hate S2K for it?
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:39 pm

Actually these forums are the "engine room" where all the magic happens. Its your pointless thread that destracts from the work being done here. If you just wanted to rant on about Noobified than heres a quick and simple solution for you : Grab an Oreo cookie, twist the top off and place it sunny side up on Noobified bullocks and dangle yourself till the cows come home!!...once your finished that, Call Widda and make him jealous, than collect yourself and click that red button down in the corner that says "Like".

See that? I didn't even say anything offensive and some guy i don't even know came up with something "clever" to say to me. Can we not have one thread that is free of these snide remarks and passive-aggressive comments?
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Jordyn Youngman
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:39 am

First off i thought Mike would at least take a 1 day break but i guess not.
S2K formula for success has been taught around the world. Europeans use it, most elite clans use it, even FOOT members. Some random good individuals dont but most elite players use it and while we all learned of Cryteks failures for some reason Mike blames the first group of players who learned of it. He says S2K is blamed for people quitting this game a long time ago. Meanwhile since there departure there has been MANY MANY MANY noobs at this game trying to start out but are STILL, i repeat, STILL being surrounded by MANY MANY MANY Aim Enhance users and i am sure some people quit out because NFCT, X, and King members are rocking the perk.
So maybe some players that started out the first few months of 2010 quit out because of S2K but what about all the other players that started out any time after S2K disappeared? Are we not guilty of making people quit out either? dont be blind here.

I believe Mike to be a highly intelligent person, i seriously do. he writes words that i dont even know. lol. Book smart i am sure. I am sure his GPA is extremely high but when it comes to regular things like common sense, it is not there. Like i said earlier....."Intelligent people have no common sense."
He has never been vocal regarding this perk until S2K came back and now joins the FOOT's way of thinking while all this time his brothers used Aim Enhance and himself and probably continue to do so along with some FOOT members. It seems like whenever he CHOOSES to change his mind on something than we should all follow along and heed his words. We all can use Aim Enhance including himself until HE SAYS OTHERWISE. The FOOT has been saying this A LOT longer than you Mike but it doesnt mean anything until you feel this way?

People who are book smart and have degrees think very highly of themselves and while a plaque is hanging on their wall they feel superior. Very blind with only a tunnel vision. I know about a handful of people like this.
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:49 am

Actually these forums are the "engine room" where all the magic happens. Its your pointless thread that destracts from the work being done here. If you just wanted to rant on about Noobified than heres a quick and simple solution for you : Grab an Oreo cookie, twist the top off and place it sunny side up on Noobified bullocks and dangle yourself till the cows come home!!...once your finished that, Call Widda and make him jealous, than collect yourself and click that red button down in the corner that says "Like".

See that? I didn't even say anything offensive and some guy i don't even know came up with something "clever" to say to me. Can we not have one thread that is free of these snide remarks and passive-aggressive comments?

I think ENEMY is upset because he is aware that you just joined the forums and "Liked" about 5 Widda Post. You can't play the impartial mediator, join in one day and like only Side B, when clearly Side A is not the only one hating and crying. Just calling you out for what I saw, from you yesterday, and I'm sure ENEMY noticed too. If you like one of his post, I'm sure salvation awaits you :)

As far as adapting make no mistake about me, I have owned S2K members with their own formula, and a variety of others. BUT THEY COMPLAIN WITH THE VARIETY WE BRING FORTH. THEY COMPLAIN TO ME POST MATCH AFTER LOSSES. THEY COMPLAING TO WIDDA, and then HE COMES ON HERE CRYING ABOUT L-TAGs FOR THEM. SO NOW NFCT RIGHTEOUSLY STARTS COMPLAINING ABOUT THEIR 1 dimensional style, that broke the game, and created a community of shame abusers. Why dont you go preach to S2k about adapting to a different playstyle, to prove they dont svck by proving they are not completely dependent on warp strafing. Remember OREO, I'm one of only 2 People who can snipe the best players in this game in a competative game. I have over 60,000 kills sniping, and 20,000 felines. There are members in S2K that play crysis 2 12 hours a day and use 3 perks with 1 gun for 2 years. It's tragic that Crytek didnt patch their OP classes, but it's just sad that S2K never proved they wre actually good.
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:47 am

And Widda,

People are sometimes unaware and blinded when playing with friends. Surely you know what I mean. They support their clanmates despite being wrong or right. For example remember when JOKR and NFCT had beef over Killer Intinct 5 wall hacking, and Souljahh got really upset and stood by his guy saying that his guy would not lie. So then me and him had beef. Months later me and Chapu are best buddies, and he tells me himself that he was the one on the account who did that :) We are all wrong here, many times more for us then others, because we do a lot of talking. Another example is Noobified. When he was on King Clan, every king member tried to slience any elite player questioning his "unique advantages" by saying we are scrubs not on his level, and we need to shut-up, and people were hostile and rude to us while defending their guy.

When I played with X (my good friends), I Sniped for them, and I wasn't on the frontlines to see what people like Bulls of TomJoad experienced when going up against multiple players playing with the same OP class and perks. I defended my guys, and my friends. Bulls told me they were good but I wasn't. S2K told Daddylicious he was the best on NFCT. They said the same thing with King Pun3sh3r back in the day. Because these players only respect clones of their playstyle. They never respected me, and the effort it took to play differently against them, and indeed to do so in way that could dominate a match, or play a role in a clutch victory. So then I developed a chip on my soldier, and I began playing just like the rest of the people who were the skilled rushers. I attached my shame, and put down my DSG, and proved my elite status to those that doubted me before because you know "I hide behind my teamates." That is actually what Noobified said to me once, when I said something to him in an XBL message. He said "I never catch you alone tough guy." But weeks before that I sent Noobified a friend request from Mr MikeNiFICent, saying "hey man do you remember me? Mike NFCT aka King Crysis 2." He said "meh, no not really." Well now he knows me very well. I was offended Noobified didnt remember me, because if he wasn't a hacker then surely he would have Me on his remembered list as one of the ONLY people who have time and time again sniped his face while in full sprint, while in cloak not tagged. How do you forget that, Noobified? How does S2K complain about NFCT tactics we got members that excel at all things not just one thing. It's always been about respect, and recognition, and for me I'm disappointed that what we consider our best players are also running the same 3 perks with the same gun for 25 days online time (2 years). They and you fawked up when you started complaining about NFCT grenade launcher use, LTAGS, MK60, Tagging, anything not inside the cookie cutter. So now I'm on a soap box challenging those players who feel they are god to prove it by dropping your crutches and learnring to walk.

My new friend Fishdizzle appealed to my educated side, by speaking to me in an honest and humble way. And he reminded me of myself 15 months ago, preaching to Walka that NFCT and its members belonded on his Beast List. All it took was for me to befriend Walka, and then magically I was on the list. I was annoyed that I had not earned my spot their in any of the two matches I played with him. So I thought to myself, I would rectify that by making a legit list. And that is when we started talking, debating, and arguing about the "fairness and validity of my list." In those debates, it was clear how much you loved this game and its people. How could you hate me Widda? I'm honest, loyal, and show sign of true skills, and I'm also a nice guy. But you stand so strongly behind disloyal, dishonest Noobified who shows us truely suspicious deaths on a daily basis.

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Laura Richards
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:34 am

Well that backfired, i was hoping to reduce at least a tiny bit of hate in at least one person but i had the opposite effect. But i have a few more questions, why blame S2K? Many players use aim enhance with felines, why not blame them too? Crytek made the game, why not blame them for adding aim enhance? Crysis 3 is right around the corner, why not just wait a bit? People have their own play styles, why should they change them to suit your needs?
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:53 pm

Well that backfired, i was hoping to reduce at least a tiny bit of hate in at least one person but i had the opposite effect. But i have a few more questions, why blame S2K? Many players use aim enhance with felines, why not blame them too? Crytek made the game, why not blame them for adding aim enhance? Crysis 3 is right around the corner, why not just wait a bit? People have their own play styles, why should they change them to suit your needs?

Its about proving yourself when amongst elites in any sport. Its human nature. Just because someone is a PG in basketball doesnt mean he cant prove he can dunk, and a center can prove he can shoot and hit 3-pointers, to prove he is at the apex in his sport. S2K is a clan with good guys, but they have arrogant members that hold their noses up claiming to be "the original fastest strafers" and the best clan in Crysis, while complaining and being sore loser when anyone beats them with something different to their playstyle. So before they recruit anymore followers and fawk this game up by spreading shame, I want to spead like and reduce shame through my TASC force. Are you in?
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:54 am

I would have to see for myself if what you say about them is true before i could agree to join any TASC force. If they truly are sore losers and act as arrogant as you tell me, i MIGHT take your side in some matches against the the individuals that fit your description but i will not participate in any anti-S2K trolling.
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