It makes a big difference to have the armor extras for sure. Having deep pockets or ultralight or leaded or combat armor with shadowed makes a big difference.
I'm pretty sure it's percentage based though which makes it feel weird. Early game when you are reducing 5-35% of the damage dealt it won't feel that different but eventually when the reduction is like 80% or so of the damage dealt it feels like a big difference.
I'd like the numbers to it. it's probably a dimishing returns system to take in the difference between early armor, ballistic weave layered with upgraded combat armor and x-01 power armor mk iv (1850 physical armor).
I'm sure we will have the formula for certain after we get a toolkit. It can't be the same as skyrim (the last beth game so I thought maybe the math was similar) because skyrim capped at 80% with 547 armor and that would make most final power armors the same.