Does Crysis 2 support both passive and active 3D?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:26 am

Hi, first of all I know that Crysis 2 is ''3D capable'' but I felt it was unclear just which type of 3D is supported? I believe that the game can do active 3D (with shuttering glasses) since it was first commercialized and Nvidia's 3D vision supports it on PC? However what about passive 3D (with polarized glasses)?

Perhaps someone could also enlighten me further on the current state of the 3D technology? Does the Nvidia's 3D vision support passive 3D or is it even needed to play passive 3D capable games? This is less about Crysis 2 and more about my complete confusion about which kind of 3D is supported by what. When a game is being developed and coded surely applying the label ''3D capable'' at the end doesn't necessary mean it supports both types of 3D? And what about movies? If I buy a ''3D'' blue-ray will it do both or is there a way to know which one is supported (or does it not matter and the TV is going to do the correct conversion?)???

Thanks if anybody can clear this up! I normally can figure things on my own but this just leaves me confused and I don't like to buy something and assume it'll work.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:09 am

I clearly know engine can support anaglyph glasses - that's what i like :) cheap and working
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:25 pm

I clearly know engine can support anaglyph glasses - that's what i like :) cheap and working

I don't care about anaglyph 3D, I want to know about the other two types of 3D?
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:17 am

Maybe I can help you! I have a 3D Monitor, which uses polarized glasses! ( )
If you have an nvidia card you can use every technology available on the market, also Active Shutterglasses with a 120hz monitor. The driver does conversation and the output! The engine does only give 2 images. Crysis 2 has also his own 3D Options where you can choose the method and the engine converts the images, but these are disabled. I saw in a video, that they were choosable in the leaked BETA! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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