I am playing Arena right now. I just got out of the dungeon, and was surprised just before I was about to exit, I had to do a password protection to get out. Luckily for me I found my original Arena book and was able to get out with no problem. I am wundering if Daggerfall has the same thing. I can't find my Daggerfall book at all, I think it's lost. I found my strat guide for Daggerfall, but now I lost that too, so I think anything I had for Daggerfall is gone now.

So does Daggerfall have the same password protection like Arena or something Different? Also for people who don't have the book, how did you guys get out of the Dungeaon in Arena?
*edit* Ok I see my answer for how people get past the Arean part. I saw on a web site that has the book online. But does Daggerfall have the same password protection?