Never played Dragon Age 2, so the only comparison i can draw with Fallout 4 is that they both belong in the previous gen.
Heh. Personally, I played a female character (so had no issues with Anders). And I romanced Merrill after my attempts at Aveline proved to be pointless. She was cute & sweet, for a demon/blood-mage person.
edit: actually, I couldn't stand Anders, so I never hung out with him outside of required quests. And I'd never played Awakening, so all he was to me was an annoying new character. His story arc in DA2 certainly didn't help me like him.
If you treat Dragon Age 2 as what it is then its not a bad game. More like a very long expansion pack for Dragon Age Origins, like it should have been. EA's fault.
Personally, I thought the whole "several periods in a city's history" structure (as opposed to wandering all over a country) was an interesting attempt at a different format. Just had a few flaws (they really needed a better "variable dungeon tiles" mechanic, for instance)
Well it should have had a year more development time and then it would be remembered differently. EA cut it short because the usual reasons, money and other projects. At the time Star Wars The Old Republic took all the focus and budget of Bioware, and two potentially great games suffered for it.
And your entire point has just been lost. /movingon
Lol metacritic user scores are worth about as much as used punctured condem so anyone looking at those needs to take a reality check.(just compare it to Steam numbers 41000 user reviews 81% of that rating it very possitive)
Now to answer to original OP:
Smaller map - what are you talking about map is bigger and has more locations(both marked and unmarked) than Fo3 or FNV
Running through the same locations many times for quests due to the smaller map - well what do you expect from radiant quests(was same in Skyrim and anyhwere else you had radiant quests),i suggest you go out and explore theres plenty of interesting sidequests hiden in the world you just need to find them
Enemies literally fall from the sky or from the ground - what, apart from Vertibird drop offs or Institute teleportation there is no enemies falling from the sky, and only enemies comming from the ground are things like molerats etc.. so i rly dont see you point here
The only similarity is having Inon Zur composing the music.
Otherwise not at all, sorry, OP.
DA2 is a great game. So is FO4. I might also point out both are very different games. You'd do better to compare DAI with FO4. And even then, it doesn't make sense.
Or are are you one of those that think DA2 is the worse game ever and FO4 is too?
Bad company? You mean Bethesda or Biroware/EA?
What? I LOVE the Dragon Age series, but DA2 was a tiny world (which Bioware was known for the smaller world size and lots of loading areas... until Inquisition), but DA 2 was a SLOPPY freakin' copy and paste job of the same cave over and over and over, with different areas open and/or closed depending on the quest.
How can anyone even compare Fallout 4 with thousands of unique locations and a wonderful, open world that you can explore to your heart's content to DA2? They have 100% nothing in common!!! Nothing! If every house you entered would look 100% the same, then yea, the comparison would make sense, but seriously, have you SEEN the Commonwealth?
I love DA2's story and companions, but man, that world was a horrible rush job, which they more than made up for with DA:I
I didn't like Anders too much (though my Hawke was a ho and did everyone he could). But I loved his story arc.
You have provided a very well documented proof, I wonder why Metacritic score still exists, you really showed them
By the way, a lot of good rpgs have high user scores on Metacritic: Dragon Age Origins, Skyrim, The Witcher, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Mass Effect, New Vegas...
Dragon Age 2 is a good game let down by a small map and crippling re-used assets.
Anders has noticed you checking out his ass and says so.
Fallout 4 is a great game let down in part by some legacy features but still good.
Cait has noticed you checking our her ass and says so.
Were these stretched and banol non-similarities worth making a thread for?
No not really.
When I first installed Fallout 4, I got a déjà vu, it felt like when I first installed Dragon Age 2.
Same. The problem is that far too many players don't want any major changes in a sequel. Setting the majority of DA2 in Kirkwall makes it far more memorable as a location than any location in DAO.
After all according to a certain Fallout fanbase, how dare Bethesda turn Fallout into a FPS/RPG Hybrid. Fallout 3 should have been an isometric turn-based game.
Nope. Not even close. And BTW - you've experienced those things in F4? Weird. Nobody else has.
Oh come on. DA2 wasn't that bad. Lord knows it wasn't great, but it wasn't that bad.
I've only ever seen cars falling from the raised highways and a brahmin that died at a Settlement after falling as I neared the location.....oh and Vertibirds which always seem to fall from the sky and explode. I've never seen anybody else at any time dropping in but the BOS Knights dropping from Vertibirds and the only ones that appear from the ground are burrowers by design. The only ninja appearance I've seen is at a certain locked medical facility which seems to spawn mercenaries and since there is only one unblocked entrance its kind of weird.
I think you kind of missed the point on Dragon Age 2, most people seem to be pointing out that your OP made no sense since your comparison made no sense......the quality of DA2 aside, which I found a enjoyable if flawed experience doesn't really come into it. Actually the only real comparison is the switch to voiced protagonist in DA2 and Fallout 4 from silent in earlier games.
There is a world of difference from enemies that simply appear in DA2 and enemies that burrow, drop from aircraft, crawl from nooks and crannies like ferals, move from nearby locations etc.
As I've said before, I think Metacritic is an irrelevance. Yes, for a time company heads thought Metacritic might be the next big thing, a deciding factor for consumers but as the contrast between FO4's sales figures and it's Metacritic rating show, gamers are not using Metacritic as a basis for making purchasing decisions.
Heck, YouTube and video reviews in general are more likely to influence me to buy a game, I got DA:I after seeing Angry Joe's review, it wasn't so much what he said about it or how he scored it so much but how well he covered and showed some of the game's features, something a Metacritic review, or even traditional gaming site review, is unlikely to do.
As to DA2, it wasn't as bad as some people made out, sure, it cut some corners but I think the vitriol against it came mainly from the fact that it wasn't DA:O. Would I have preferred it to be more like Origins? Sure. Was I capable of judging DA2 on its own merits, absolutely and that's what I did, noting yes, some lazy production values in EA/Bioware's rush to get it out but an overall engaging game.
I think the other criticism of DA2, and this is where we really get to compare it to FO4, was the addition of a voiced protagonist. Again, I've said elsewhere on these forums, I think once you accept voiced NPCs, which Bethesda started with Oblivion, then the logical next step is a voiced protagonist.
A mix is kind of weird, if a game is entirely text interface for chat that can work, though seen as dated now, but if you use voice actors it is a little disconnecting if NPCs have voice but the player character doesn't. I do think many of the scenes in FO4 are totally improved by having a voiced protagonist, they just wouldn't have the same emotional impact without it. That said, I play a female sole survivor and, by all accounts, Courtenay Taylor does a much better job than her male counterpart, which is maybe why those playing a male sole survivor haven't been so keen on having a voiced protagonist.
It's interesting though how adding voice to the player character gets different reactions depending on the franchise, I remember when GTA: Vice City came out and was the first in the series to have a voiced protagonist and yet that was never seen as a big deal.
I've seen cars falling from the sky, I've seen brahmin flying and inside my room. Reminds of the flying mammoths in Skyrim.
DA2 was a great game. That suffered though a terrible idea of reusing the environment. Too many times. But the story, the drama was great. And no one plays DA2 for the graphics. You play it for the story and the drama. Same with ME3. I mean, I still play both games, making different decisions, seeing the end result.
It's the same with DAI. Personally, I think Bioware went over-board with the environment at the expense of the combat and crafting (and lets not talk about the UI). But again, who plays DAI for the combat? There are much better combat games. You play DAI for the same reason you play the other Bioware titles - the drama.
So yes, in it's class, DA2 was a good game; a story based RPG. Which FO4 (or any of Bethesda games) is not. At all.