Crap, I did use the just fix it option.
Never, Never, Never use the "Just fix it" option. It just causes problems.
TESTool really only works for only two things.
- Cleaning an esp of junk data.
- Merging Objects
Like Elaura says, don't merge esps unless necessary, and you exactly what you're doing.... Sounds like you're new to mods, so do not attempt merging yet.
But you
do want to create a Merge Object.esp
And with Wrye Mash, you'll want to create a Mashed List.esp
These two esps will ensure that different mods work together in two ways:
- Different mods that affect the same object will both be recognized
- Your Leveled Lists will be accurate (very important to play a balanced game)
And yes, Wrye Mash is the essential tool if want a clean/healthy modded game when using mods. Learn to use it

It is so very helpful and awesome.
When you have all your mods, and your MergeObject.esp and your MashedList.esp, run for even more advice and organization.