Does invisibility even work?

Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:55 am

I'm busy with the 'Taking care of Lex' quest now and i need to sneak into a room, a dude named Orrin showed me a secret passageway. I pick the lock of some doors, and then i get to a door which can only be opened with a special kind of handle on the left. So i do so, and right up there is a guard waiting. He doesn't notice me until i come close. So i reload savegame, and i use the handle for the door and use invisibility right away, but somehow someway the guard sees me, there's no way to do this quest this way. Any suggestions? Really svcks that this spell isn't working for me at all.
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 5:34 pm

Invisibility is supposed to dispel the moment you interact with something (activate a switch, open a door, etc.). Couple that with Oblivon's psychic guards that are capable of divining your exact location no matter how invisible you are when you get a bounty placed on your head, and you really do seem to be in a pickle. If he sees you approach, it really doesn't matter if you are invisible or not, the moment you get tagged with a bounty, you get a massive *YOU ARE HERE* arrow attached to your head for guards to see.

All I can recommend is either try a high-magnitude Chameleon spell (it won't dispel the same way as Invisibility) or improve your Sneak skill.
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:06 pm know what the weird thing is, in a older savefile (but i was vampire in that and i dont want that yet, so i had to reload) there wasn't even a guard there at all. Now he's ruining my day. But thanks, i'll go look for this chameleon spell.
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John N
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Post » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:26 pm

Invisibility and Chameleon work just fine...but your sneak skill is also a factor,you may be invisible but they can still hear you moving around.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:13 am

As said, invisibility dispels whenever you interact with something. It also works better if your sneak skill isn't really low. Chameleon is more useful overall, but invisibility is always handy to use if your in a fight that you can't win.
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Jordan Fletcher
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