Something about its mechanics not being useful for someone who isn't modding? Maybe moderators moved his thread because everything is interconnected and mod related. Don't forget the world is ruled by numbers, for without them, it would be quite chaotic.
I don't know why this is in the mods forum, but yes.
This is in the mod section because I am making a mod and this retains to game mechanics. As stated above, would anyone not modding even know hows mods and game mechanics work(because it seems you don't think before you post kirb I thought I would let you know that this is a rhetorical question)?
Yes karma is a global variable, of which doing good adds to it, and doing bad subtracts from it. But its the same number, or variable, thats just moved up and down.
This is in the mod section because I am making a mod and this retains to game mechanics. As stated above, would anyone not modding even know hows mods and game mechanics work(because it seems you don't think before you post kirb I thought I would let you know that this is a rhetorical question)?
Oh, oops, my bad. I didn't think of it that way. Seems you came off a little harsh though, man. Just because I didn't interpret something the right way doesn't mean I don't think. I just wasn't thinking straight then.