Does Logan's Loophole make the game easier?

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:27 am

One of the most exciting bits of news to be released before OWB was that a new perk was coming that would cap a players level at 30. Having a level cap of 50 definitely made it trivial to completely max every skill, even without choosing a high intelligence build. However, with the large number of skill books, +skill equipment, skill magazines, and the new skilled trait it's possible to build a level 30 character that's essentially just as powerful as a level 50 character. The only difference is that you'll have 10 fewer perks.

Normally one could look at this and say that is doesn't make the game any easier, but after playing through OWB, having to fight enemies scaled to content with a level 45 character was an absolute pain. I haven't run the DLC at level 30 to see how it compares, but I'm assuming that the enemies aren't as powerful at 30 as 45. If this is the case, the Logan's Loophole trait will actually make the game easier since you'll still have a powerful player character, but the enemies you'll have to fight could be weaker than if you were max level.

My only other complaint with respect to this trait is that it takes up a spot for another trait, making it even less desirable in my mind. It really feels like it should be a completely separate option.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:14 am

I played through the whole dlc without ever having access to this trait

Perhaps, this means it can only be taken at the beginning of the game (the part with Dr. Mitchel, where you choose your 3 traits and tag skills) ?

On second though, this can't be since it say's in Fallout wiki ''... growing to lv 50 before starting Old world blues''. Therefore meaning it should offer you this option, but is somehow no where to be found!
Do I need to return to the Mojave to get these options?

Indications would be nice
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Da Missz
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:38 pm

If u talk to the autodock guy he can change your traits but only once. You might be able to get it that way without starting a new character
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:07 pm

I'm fairly sure I read/heard somewhere the the Auto-doc allows you to change your traits one time?
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:49 am

Ah! So it's that ''head inspection/examination'' thingy that can only be done once, I will go check it out, thanks people

But that means I won't be able to get this trait for my main :(, as I don't want his brain taken out, nor do I want to further increase the size of the save with any further irrelevant things (this is most likely because of performance reasons)
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:48 am

I'm not too sure it would be much easier those 15 levels are a lot of health along with the extra perks depending on whats taken could make you quite a bit more powerful, OWB hasn't been easy and I started at level 22.
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Mel E
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:03 pm

Ah! So it's that ''head inspection/examination'' thingy that can only be done once, I will go check it out, thanks people

But that means I won't be able to get this trait for my main :(, as I don't want his brain taken out, nor do I want to further increase the size of the save with any further irrelevant things (this is most likely because of performance reasons)

I couldn't take it while I was 40. Idk if it's universal though so, you might not be missing out on anything.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:42 am

I'm not too sure it would be much easier those 15 levels are a lot of health along with the extra perks depending on whats taken could make you quite a bit more powerful, OWB hasn't been easy and I started at level 22.

The problem is that weapons and armor are equally powerful regardless of character level. Even if everything else scales evenly, a lower level character still has an edge because he's capable of killing an enemy faster and is better able to absorb damage.

Also, 15 levels is only an additional 75 health, which isn't a significant amount considering the level difference.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:46 pm

Yeah.. I'm not sure it will make the game that much more difficult to stop at level 30 since most high level creatures do seem to be level scaled. However it does keep you from gaining more perks and perks in my opinion make all the difference in making a game harder or easier.
I'm more excited about the "Skilled" perk.. I mean 10% less xp sounds pretty good in extending my play a bit. However I don't think 10% is really enough. It's basically cancelled out by being well rested.

The logans loophole was put there in response most likely to all the complaints about leveling too high. When in reality it's all about leveling too fast. If you couldn't reach the cap so easily then there wouldn't have been complaints.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:41 pm

I couldn't take it while I was 40. Idk if it's universal though so, you might not be missing out on anything.

I couldn't take it at level 42.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:41 pm

The logans loophole was put there in response most likely to all the complaints about leveling too high. When in reality it's all about leveling too fast. If you couldn't reach the cap so easily then there wouldn't have been complaints.

Bingo. The same problem was in Fallout 3, and the same solution was used in Broken Steel. In both cases the balance got broken.

I use mods to slow down XP gain, and my current character with over 60h is only at level 24. I still have some quests left, but i don't think i'll hit 30 before i finish unless i go to enemy filled mod-added areas.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:41 pm

I bet I'd like Logan's loophole, if I were a guy who uses chems a lot. I may, on occasion, take one of everything in my stock because I'm about to die from Cazadore pummeling. Other than those rare occasions, I don't bother except to sell them when I have more than a hundred of a particular type.
If they'd added in a minor regen, it'd be more tempting to take with a new character, but as it is, I will probably only bother doing one character this way.
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:32 pm

Im thinking maybe after playing OWB fewer people will be taking this trait.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:43 am

I thought old world blues was going to give us the opportunity to cap our level at 30 or our current level if over that. U can't if over level 30
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:47 am

Not being able to take the perk past 30 probably prevents it from being an utter nightmare to determine how many skill points you should have. I don't know if the game keeps track of the skill books that you've used so it would be a pain to accurately determine how many skill points you should actually have.
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James Smart
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:11 am

That's kind of annoying, since they expressly stated that it would be able to be taken at any point from L30 on and it would cap you at your current level. From what I'm seeing it would appear they reversed that and you can only take it until L30.

Not exactly working as advertised, there.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:31 pm

Not being able to take the perk past 30 probably prevents it from being an utter nightmare to determine how many skill points you should have. I don't know if the game keeps track of the skill books that you've used so it would be a pain to accurately determine ahow many skill points you should actually have.

The game can determine, as evidenced by the respec option when leaving goodsprings. 2nd what do skill points have to do with allowing me to use the OWB autodoc trait respec
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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:03 pm

Not being able to take the perk past 30 probably prevents it from being an utter nightmare to determine how many skill points you should have. I don't know if the game keeps track of the skill books that you've used so it would be a pain to accurately determine how many skill points you should actually have.

think about it like this the game should allow the player character to take from a pool of skill points based on the special as well but limiting a characters skill progression to 80 since with Dead Money and the Vanilla game skill books that is 20 free skill points per skill. So they the base game should let the player draw from a pool of 1040 skill points which is a total of 80 points per skill. Based on your special the pool should be shortened as well as the tag skill and any Tagged Skills of your choice. This way your character is in perfection always at 80 points in each skill. With implants added to the mix the skill point pool should be drained slightly and the next few levels should stunt your skill points by a bit. This way there is balance in the skill points.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:40 am

I couldn't take it at level 42.

Apparently they lied when they said the trait would cap at any level over 30. Just 30.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:37 am

That's kind of annoying, since they expressly stated that it would be able to be taken at any point from L30 on and it would cap you at your current level. From what I'm seeing it would appear they reversed that and you can only take it until L30.

Not exactly working as advertised, there.

My very point, at level 30 my combat skills are at 100 but there are about 3 or 4 perks that I still want and I can put the new skill points into an unused skill that I need for a perk (into unarmed for slayer perk for melee weapon user) but at level 45-50 I have to many skill points, perks, and health
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