» Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:24 pm
All i remember is that there won t be exclusivity for PC. Please point me in if i am wrong.
I don t think also this will happens as the PC-Console gaming market rage on, and being on console your bound to console laws, and law No 1 is no PC games can look better than console.
Actually console is quite defased and still dont work beyond DX9, (DX10 being the win millenium of the DX) But DX11 potential is hardly being tackled and its undeniable PC crisys is years ahead any console game in GFX terms, even discounting the TV limitation that have bigger "pixels" than any mediocre monitor even if the pixel count is the same as long as you don t go beyond 25" monitors, which by the way are fairly comon. In the next year or so market will be flooded whin 30" + true monitors.
Counting this + no DX 11, console will have to abort their 10 years of same "[censored] on the consumer" attitude and wishes, and compensate with heavy MKT and tons of moneys to the producers.
At max in late 2012, i would guess, next console generation will have to appear. They are loosing too much ground for computers for those who don t wish to stay computer not proficient gamers.
Computer have sleeping/fdormant modes that make power up as quick as consoles,
Computer works on Monitors and TV
Computer has much more resolution than console if used with monitors
All non entries gfx cards accept multi monitor features (up to the absurd of 6 in top cards) which console does not
Kineck being brought to pc will end the "virtual interaction" console reign
Computer can handle more complex and extensive programing, videos, and mimics fisics the way consoles can t even dream off.
Computer evolute much faster then consoles.
Computer demands more times on "maintainance"
Computer demand more buck on the long term than consoles (Althought computer games cost less than console usually, kind of trade off)
Computer takes more space than consoles
Computers use more juice than console.
Computer are risky to let kids use thems (like if they do crap it can be costly, or internet parental issues likes viruses, or others stuff like your kind finding your pron movie collection)
Back to skyrim
If there s an exception to PC it will be control and maybe UI like, die to console control system being way less flexible than PC.
If you remember oblivion threted only 2 buttons mouses, when 5 buttons was already common. What to say about zilions buttons mouses made for MMO out there.
"Fallout 4 will most likely feature tessellation."
Only if on the next console generation.
"I think that's a good reason why Skyrim shouldn't use it... "(DX11)
Yeah, lets stay in the stone age (DX9) please, its more secure and confy.
As for OP request.
You are right, what they can t achieve as they like because of restriction, they may be letting an avenue for PC modders.