definitively, yes or no?
I've seen on Reddit, among other places, varying responses to whether or not one's Luck score affects the type of loot found in game.
definitively, yes or no?
I've seen on Reddit, among other places, varying responses to whether or not one's Luck score affects the type of loot found in game.
I have dumped my luck for now. I may regret it later, but it really seems like a cop-out stat at the moment. Even in New Vegas, the only reason you'd want Luck is to be able to clean out the casinos. And maybe get more use out of VATS, but I didn't use it much to begin with.
I don't know about loot, though.
I understand that it affects caps/ammo through the perks ... but during E3 there was talk that it also affected rare loot. Weapons/Armor/Items found on enemies and containers, those are my concern.
I have very high luck but haven't invested in scrounger or fortune finder yet- it's not unusual for me to find 4 fusion cores in an ammo box, 8 missiles,...a high quantity of something really high value for loot like that. [survival mode, FWIW]
The base stat itself has no effect on loot as far as I'm concerned, and if I recall correctly, has never had an effect on loot in any Fallout game outside of the Scrounger and Fortune Finder perks that are associated with it.
I suppose you'd have to play so many hours with each character to definitively say that the '10 luck' character finds more loot, seeing as it spawns almost randomly.
Very true, I guess that was ultimately my hope that some HAD been that meticulous. I think it will just be my dump stat, 1-2 max.
I have 6 luck and I sometimes find up to 4 fucsion cores or mini nukes in random ammo containers, dunno tho if its related
Haven't seen a huge difference in loot changes with high/low luck overall, Scrounger / Fortune Finder have a bigger impact on loot and you don't need to invest any points in to luck for it (start at 1 +1 from bobble head)