Been quite a while since I've hit these forums haha.. been slackin I guess

Someone recently complained on my mod comments area about my mod not recognizing the Steam version of Obse. This is odd in the first place, as the mods been out for many many months and this comes up now, but anyhow I wanted to investigate further, which is difficult due to the fact I do not run the Steam version of Oblivion.
After looking over the Obse documentation again, I have found no indication at all that a mod which uses Obse need to have anything 'special' done to make it compatible with Oblviion Steam users. Of course the only information regarding this which indicates something different need be done is purely on the players side, simply involving the usage of the Steam Loader .DLL file rather than the standard one.
But maybe I'm missing something, I'd very much appreciate any information on this topic anyone may have to share.