This isn't the early 90's, there is no "danger" anymore. This is literally the only game/engine that has these issues. You're just trying to argue.
This isn't the early 90's, there is no "danger" anymore. This is literally the only game/engine that has these issues. You're just trying to argue.
I've got a 60hz monitor. So Vsync automatically locks me at 60fps. I've turned off the game's framelocking and I'm using the Nvidia control panel for it.
They DID say the FPS wouldn't be capped on PC. And it isn't, if you want. But they neglected to mention the game gets buggy and glitchy as all hell if you unlock the framerate and can push it into triple digit FPS.
Still has zero to do with this topic, or consoles. This is about how framerate effects the game engine. (And the evolution of the "60fps or bust!" graphics snobs into a more-niche "144fps or bust!" form.)
To be fair.. It's pretty impossible to account for every variation of computer set ups that people can have. I mean, really.. how many people playing F4 right now are having this same problem? Let's count them on one hand.
Every single person who has a 1440p/144hz/gsync monitor and a system that can handle above +100 FPS. That's quite a large group of people to not make sure a game works. Plain and simple a game should be designed to be able to work over 60fps.....
This is the only game/engine to have this issue. That's kinda ridiculous.
Kinda svcks that half the replies are bashing me and the current top tier gaming pc's. Thank fellas.
It's not about being a snob or any other silly comment. Gaming at 144hz is absolutely amazing. Games look and feel great. If you have not tried it, please don't mock it.
I guess it's just that, for the not-so-uber PC crowd, it likely feels like "a 1440p/144hz/gsync monitor and a system that can handle above +100 FPS" is a few hundred people.
(Similarly to when the "why don't they support triple-screen gaming! Everyone I know plays that way!" threads popped up for FO3 or Skyrim.....)
Hmm, wonder what the actual statistics are. I'm sure the Steam Hardware Survey, while useful, isn't completely accurate, especially since it doesn't divide between desktop PCs and laptops.......
So you're calling me a "snob" because I want to game over 60 fps on a PC? Wow. Sorry but you're wrong. In PC gaming that is highly unacceptable. This is literally the only game that has an issue like this.
There is no easy solution..none of the fixes work for me. I stated this in my post. I have a feeling you just want to bash on me since it's obvious you didn't fully read what I typed.
No one with the specs I listed is "settling" with this issue. People don't spend thousand of dollars on PC parts to play games at 60 FPS. Thanks for derailing the thread.
Godrays is apparently a massive resource hog. Turn them down to high or medium, and see if that helps?
Uncapping FPS causes the issue regardless of whether it's g-sync or monitor related. I've had the same issue - I had to force v-sync by my nvidia card manager in order to avoid the unstable side affects.
That and shadows seem to be the biggest hogs for me.
To my understanding, god rays is the one you can reduce to low without any noticeable change.
I think you're highly overestimating the number of players who are able to AND care about playing at such a high framerate.
From a ROI perspective it doesn't make any sense to overhaul your engine just to cater for <<1% of your player base.
Ha ha. 72 is not acceptible? Don't play with fraps up and you'll be astounded at how nice looking a game getting 72 FPS looks. Sure there is a difference betwee 60 and 120, but it's a game of diminishign returns.
For fps in general, after turning off in game vsync in the .ini, Nvidia's Geforce Experience was actually a big help this time. With my 3570k 970, keeping everything at ultra except turning godrays, shadow distance to medium, object detail fade to high, my fps went up enough to be much smoother. I regularly achieve 120 fps and usually above 80. Imo godrays medium actually looks great, probably because they are cruder and more obvious.
With a stronger system even fewer compromises should need to be made
I agree. You're talking about advlts who prioritzie games more than the average advlt, and kids whose parents get them whatever they want. Not huge demographics. The VAST majority of monitors sold are still only 60hz / 1080p, and if you can max that out your games look beautiful. I play on a 27" 60hz IPS monitor. I took the time to do some mild calibrating and it has beautiful color reproduction and fairly deep blacks. At 60FPS games look simply gorgeous.
Don't use fraps. I use EVGA precision. Please do not derail the thread with your opinion.
So you're saying it is acceptable to release a game that breaks itself after going over 60 FPS? Plain and simple that is exactly what you are saying.
Wow, voicing a differing opinion is called thread derailment nowadays...
Seriously? It's not a little demand. Please don't act like this is normal for the industry. The game literally does not function properly on high end PCs. That is not okay and we should be apologizing on Bethesda behalf. Sentiments like this are just terrible for the gaming industry and doesn't help anyone.
The game does not function.
Using terminals crashes the game.
The game moves in super speed.
How is this okay?
This isn't just a niche problem for a very specific PC setup. This is what happens when you have a high end PC and try to play Fallout 4.
Please explain how this is okay.