"She's too rough-looking"
"She's not attractive looking"
"She has an ugly unibrow"
"She's too fake-looking"
Pointer #1- Of course she looks rough. It's the frickin' apocalypse. If she looked like a modern day (our world, 2015) actress, all cleaned and prepped, I would think she was out of place. Honestly, how old are most of the people in this thread? Thirteen? Fourteen? She's living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, somehow I think physical beauty would be so below on the totem pole of priorities that it would be non-existent.
Pointer #2- Hate to bring the gender wars into this thread, but is it just me or are we ignoring the fact that Howard and Garvey aren't exactly attractive themselves in the footages we've seen them in.
Though I will say that the lip synching does make things kind of bizarre.